I have no idea where to begin, so I figure let's start from the very beginning of our journey. I'll try to get everyone caught up with the different appointments and tests we've undergone since we started trying to conceive (I knew there was a reason I've been keeping old calendars and appointment papers!):
December 2007Stopped taking birth control right after Christmas. We casually started trying to conceive, although preferred for my body to have a couple months rest from birth control first.
February 4, 2008Appointment with Dr. Shah. Told him we had just begun trying to conceive.
Laura - Was prescribed Folic Acid 5mg to take daily, starting right away.
July 21, 2009Appointment with Dr. Shah to discuss infertility. Was given laboratory requisitions forms.
July 27, 2009Laura - Laboratory tests done through BC Biomedical: Day 3 FSH, EDS - Estradiol.
To read more about this test:
http://genesis-fertility.com/diagnostics-and-testing/fertility-evaluation-for-women#3July 28, 2009Laboratory results from July 27 are normal.
August 13, 2009Laura - Laboratory tests done through BC Biomedical: TSH, Prolactin, Hematology Panel, HBSAG, Hepatitis C, HIV, Rubella, Varicella, VDRL.
To read more about this test:
http://genesis-fertility.com/diagnostics-and-testing/fertility-evaluation-for-women#3August 22, 2009Laura - Full-bladder ultrasound done to see if my uterus is an irregular shape.
September 5, 2009Jon - Semen Analysis through BC Biomedical. Results = "Normal semen analysis. The parameters for sperm motility, concentration, and morphology are within the 'fertile' ranges."
September 14, 2009Appointment with Dr. Shah to discuss results (all came back as 'normal' and to decide what the next step is. He referred our names to Genesis Fertility Clinic and said they would contact us to make an appointment.
October 14, 2009Received package of laboratory requisition forms from Genesis Fertility Clinic.
October 29, 2009Laura - Laboratory tests done through Lifelabs: Day 3 FSH, EDS - Estradiol.
To read more about this test:
http://genesis-fertility.com/diagnostics-and-testing/fertility-evaluation-for-women#3November 7, 2009Laura - Laboratory tests done through Lifelabs: TSH, Prolactin, Hematology Panel, HBSAG, Hepatitis C, HIV, Rubella, Varicella, VDRL.
To read more about this test:
http://genesis-fertility.com/diagnostics-and-testing/fertility-evaluation-for-women#3November 18, 2009Appointment with Dr. Hitkari at Genesis Fertility Clinic (Surrey). Was prescribed Clomid (clomophene citrate) 100 mg daily to be taken on days 3 to 7 of my cycle to cause super-ovulation. Was given enough for 4 months.
November 19, 2009Jon - Semen Analysis through Lifelabs. Results = "Normal, but increased abnormal forms."
December 14, 2009Laura - Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) done. This is an x-ray to determine if fallopian tubes are open and uterus is of normal shape. X-Ray dye is injected through cervix in order to fill the cavity inside uterus and tubes. The dye can be seen on the x-ray video screen and pictures are taken.
To read more about this test:
http://genesis-fertility.com/diagnostics-and-testing/fertility-evaluation-for-womenApril 16, 2010Laura - Appointment with Dr. Shah to inquire about 'pain' between breast bone and ribs. Dr. Shah figures it is Costochondritis (chest pain due to inflammation of the cartilage and bones in the chest wall). Was told that it is quite comment in women in their mid-twenties due to high number of hormones during most fertile years. Suspected I never had it before because I've now been on Clomid.
May 31, 2010Appointment with Dr. Hitkari at Genesis Fertility Clinic (Surrey). All of our testing came back 'normal'.
Told us we had two options:
1) Super-Ovulation (aka. Artificial Insemination)
- will cost approximately $750 per month
- Dr. Hitkari figures we would have a 20% success rate
To read more about this procedure:
http://genesis-fertility.com/fertility-services/ovulation-induction-superovulation2) In Vitro Fertilization
- will cost approximately $8000-$9000 per month
- Dr. Hitkari figures we would have a 60% success rate
To read more about this procedure:
http://genesis-fertility.com/fertility-services/in-vitro-fertilization-ivfBoth procedures start out the same with a super-ovulation of my ovaries (even more than the Clomid did). If we chose artificial insemination and I produced too many eggs then they will not allow for us to continue to do artificial insemination for that month, due to the chance that multiple eggs could be fertilized. At that point, we could choose to switch to In Vitro Fertilization or we would have to stop for the month.
Failing to conceive under either procedure will require us to wait one cycle before trying again.
*Jon and I have decided to try I.V.F. Dispite the higher cost, we feel that it is the best option for us because of the success rate. We will do (almost!) anything to conceive quicker now. It's the waiting that takes an emotional toll on us.
June 11, 2010Appointment with Dr. Hitkari at Genesis Fertility Clinic (Vancouver).
Laura - Antral Follicle Count (Internal ultrasound) to count current number of immatures follicles in ovaries (11 in right, 10 in left) to determine levels of medication for I.V.F.
Met with nurse to go over the I.V.F. process, to practice self-injection of medication, and to purchase required medications. Will start I.V.F. procedure with my next cycle.
Laura - Prescribed Estrace 2mg to be taken twice daily the week before my next cycle. Is supposed to increase my estrogen levels to balance out the number of follicles in ovaries.
June 16, 2010Laura - Started taking Estrace.
* * * * * * * * * * *
What a journey so far! It's seems like we've done so many tests already, but really, we have just gotten started! As I look back it seems like time has gone quite quickly, but as I live my life from day to day it tends to drag on.
I remember thinking that it would only take us 3-4 months to get pregnant. When we hit 6 months (June 2008) I started googling how long it takes the average person to get pregnant. When we hit 12 months (December 2008) Jon and I discussed making a doctor's appointment. We decided that since my cycles are not super-regular (varying between 30-35 days) that we should give it a few more months (July 2009). Since then, we've been completing the tests as quickly as we can. It's frustrating when certain bloodwork tests can only be done on certain days of your cycle! I'm very appreciative that I have a job that is very accommodating to doctor's appointments, no matter what time of day! I'm also thankful that I've been able to pick up a couple extra jobs (in the greenhouses helping with Spring orders in the spring of 2009 and 2010, helping in the office in the summer of 2010, and doing income tax preparation for the spring of 2010) on the side and volunteer work (coaching basketball) so that it fills my time. I find that if I am home alone for the afternoon I quickly fall into a state of self-pity, so keeping myself busy (distracted?) has, for the most part, kept my outlook on our situation a lot more positive.
My hope for this blog is to keep a record of all of our trying-to-conceive (TTC) timeline, as well as our (well, mostly my) emotional ups and downs through this process. Thank you for all of your prayers and support so far! We are quite optimistic about beginning our first round of I.V.F., although we know that many couples do not conceive the first time. The more hopeful I get, the more upset I will be if it does not work. It's about finding the right balance in thought - maybe "hopefully pessimistic"?
All in all, I've found this journey so far to be a real test of faith. I remember in September 2009 telling a fellow youth leader at my church that I had (so far) everything in life that I've wanted, and that I'd never had a spiritual struggle before; that my spiritual life was like a straight line before, neither up nor down. I said I didn't have a 'story' at all. I don't think the thought of my infertility had really hit me at that point. The 10 months since then have really been an up-and-down roller coaster with God. There are times where I'm just so angry and confused with Him. Why me? What's His purpose for this? What is the purpose of my life? Am I supposed to go back to school so I can climb the corporate ladder and never have kids? Or does he just want to test my faith? One day can be completely different than the next, so Jon never knows what to expect (poor him!). I've been at a good spot with God since our last appointment, although I think that's because I have hope for this next step in our journey. We will have to see where God takes us. He knows what's best for us, even when we may disagree.
Let me know if you have ANY questions at all. It's hard to know what people are interested in knowing, so unless I'm told or asked of otherwise, I hope to continue to blog about both the logistical (is that the right word?) and emotional sides of our journey.