Wednesday, September 25, 2013

38 Weeks

Today is the day in my pregnancy with Matthew and Kayla that I was induced...and they were born the following day.  So glad that that's not the case this time - I'm not quite mentally prepared yet!  I keep trying to tell myself that it could be any day...but it could also be 4 weeks.  Because I'm such a 'planner', I have a hard time dealing with not knowing when it will be.  I don't need to know the day...but to know the week would be nice :).

I'm doing really well still.  My belly has started feeling really heavy, which I definitely notice when I try to roll over in bed at night.  I've stopped sleeping through the night, and it's not uncommon for me to be up at least two or three times each night.  My routine is to get out, go pee, have a drink of water, and then go to sleep right away.  This usually works out fine, unless I hear a weird creak inside or outside of the house which makes my ears super sensitive and myself super paranoid that something bad is going to happen...which leads me to doing Kakuros to distract myself or falling asleep with my bedside light on.  I'm such a wuss.  I remember with my pregnancy with Matthew and Kayla that I stopped sleeping well too, and I figure it's just my body's way of preparing myself for future nights of broken sleeps.

I've got two official days of work left, Friday and Monday afternoon.  I definitely am planning on being there Wednesday as well, and then beyond that, we'll see what happens.  I have an overabundance of banked hours still left, so I obviously underestimated the number I would require to top up my weeks and could have started topping up to 37.5 hour weeks sooner.  Oh well, I'll leave them banked and can use them if/when I return back to work, or get them paid out at that time.  It's definitely nice having the flexibility to only work when I want to!

No new stretch marks this pregnancy (yet)...but I'm sure they're coming!  I'm up to 44lbs gained!  I'm definitely not far off with my weight gain this pregnancy versus last, which is nuts.  I never thought I'd be one of those people to gain so much weight.  It's actually unreal.  I honestly don't even know where all the weight has gone.  The baby won't be huge...and I'm not that big, so where could it be?  My stomach is measuring 42.5" around my belly button...with Matthew and Kayla I was measuring 46" at 38 weeks.

I wore the exact same outfit for this week's picture that I wore with my 38 week picture with Matthew and Kayla (check back tomorrow once Jon has brought the external hard drive home that has all of my past pictures saved on it):

Above:  38 Weeks with Baby Struik
Below:  38 Weeks with Matthew and Kayla

Above:  38 Weeks with Baby Struik
Below:  38 Weeks with Matthew and Kayla

(You can totally tell I'm in complete opposites seasons...look at the difference in my tan!  Talk about being pasty white (and looking extremely tired) in March 2011!)

Watching the cookies in the oven (in their pjs!). 

Watching Barney on my laptop (yes, it's 6.5 years old already, and still going strong!)

They ALWAYS want to sit on the counter to watch what I'm doing.  Couldn't resist a picture of them :)

I had washed the bouncy chairs and left them downstairs in the basement, but they wanted them upstairs on the main floor so they carried them up themselves.  Probably a good idea that they did that so that they can get their fill of playing with them so the novelty will (hopefully) have worn off before Baby Struik comes.  They LOVE laying in them, and closing the straps around their waist.  Kayla likes to say that she's wearing a diaper when she is strapped in.  I'm trying to teach them how to open the buckle themselves so I don't have to always do it.

Yes, they're in their pajamas again.  I swear they wear normal clothes too!  I think it's because the only time I have to take pictures is when we're doing 'nothing' around the house, which is only in the morning and in the evening.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you many blessings in your last 2 - 4 weeks as you await the arrival of your new little one! The pictures of Kayla & Matthew pretending to be babies in the bouncy chairs are so cute!
