I'm sorry for the delay in updating...I haven't been able to motivate myself to type out an entry...and the longer I put it off the more I want to put it off. It's a vicious cycle.
Not a whole lot has happened the past few weeks (I feel I say that every time!). I'm already over 2/3 of the way which is crazy!
I had my last appointment with Dr. Wagner two weeks ago, and then my first appointment with Dr. Huckell a couple days later. Both said the exact same things:
1. Babies are growing well so far. Here are the results from the latest ultrasound:
Heart Rate | 141 | 165 |
Lie/Position | Cephalic | Frank Breech |
Head Circ. | 215 mm | 211 mm |
BPD | 63 mm | 58 mm |
Abdominal Circ. | 191 mm | 197 mm |
Femur | 40 mm | 40 mm |
Gestational Age | 23 weeks + 5 days | 23 weeks + 5 days |
2. I need to do my glucose test between Christmas and New Year's. I'm not too concerned about that. I like sugary drinks :)
3. Because I have a negative Rh factor I'll have to have an injection at my next appointment. Not too concerned about this either...I'm pretty used to needles by now!
4. My blood pressure is (was) still perfect.
5. If the babies stay in a head down/head up position then it will be up to me if I want to give birth vaginally or via c-section. Dr. Huckell said that most women with head down/head up twins opt for a c-section because there is no guarantee that the head up baby can be flipped around once the head down baby is delivered. If they can't flip the baby, then I would still have to have a c-section (in addition to a vaginal birth for the first one). That's a tough decision! It will definitely require some thought and I'll have to ask her what she thinks the chance of flipping the second baby is.
Jon set up the cribs & glider chair the first weekend he was off of school...we had fun :) Here are some pictures:

He then tested the chair to see how it would work if (when!) we had two crying babies:

I have also been quite blessed in receiving a lot of baby clothes from family, so my Mom and I have spent a lot of time washing and sorting and folding. Baby clothes are so cute!
The girls at work surprised me with a baby shower two weeks ago as it was one of the last days that we were all in the office before Christmas holidays began. They wanted to make sure that they had a shower for me before I got put on bed rest. I got spoiled by them :)
I've started to feel light-headed every now and then, so I've starting trying to pay attention to when I'm eating so that I'm eating on a regular basis. Hoping that it's just a low blood sugar level or a low blood pressure level. Either way, it's something that I need to be careful with.
The babies are moving like crazy. Some nights I just lay on the couch or bed and watch my stomach bounce up and down all over. One day, one of the babies was kicking/punching my pelvis. It was a little annoying...but funny at the same time. There are times when they are moving around that I can sort of make out whether I'm feeling a head or a butt. It's pretty cool. Weird, but cool.
Here's my 26 week picture:

My next appointment isn't until January 13th, so I probably won't update before then. Enjoy your holidays!