Saturday, April 30, 2011

Matthew & Kayla's Baptism (April 10)

Matthew and Kayla's baptism was supposed to be performed by Pastor (Uncle) Tom; however, we received a phone call during the evening on the Saturday before from our council chair saying that Pastor Tom had an ear infection and would not be able to preach/do the baptism, so did we want to reschedule? We decided to go ahead with the baptism Pastor Slofstra did it.

Our family is probably one of very few families that can say that there are four generations worshiping in the same congregation:
Matthew & Kayla - Jon & myself - Our parents - Our grandparents

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Weight Update

Kayla weighs 9 lbs 9 oz.

Matthew weighs 9 lbs 11 oz.

Kayla's First Smile

...happened last night.

...was not to me (of course).

...was beautiful :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

Weight Update

My mom and I took Matthew and Kayla to the public health unit again to get weighed.

Matthew is now 8 lb 7 oz
Kayla is now 8 lb 4 oz

They're growing like weeds!

My nickname for Matthew is "Chunks" or "Chubbers" because his cheeks are getting so round lol.

Matthew's First Smile

...was on Tuesday, April 12th. Was directed at my matter how much I told him that he was supposed to smile at me first!

Oh well, he smiled for me the next morning, and Jon yesterday.

Still working on getting Kayla to smile!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Five Minutes in the Life of Kayla

*There are two other new posts below this one - don't miss them!*

Kayla is definitely more active (high-strung? feisty?) than Matthew. Matthew is often very content to just lay on the couch, or in your arms, or in his bassinet...but Kayla, well, Kayla likes to move. She likes to throw up her arms and kick out her legs, especially if she wants something...

As told by Matthew:

Here we are, laying nicely together in our bassinet...

Kayla started to get wild, and she punched me in the face...

I was a big boy, and didn't cry. Then Kayla started to get hungry. She started to look for something to suck on...

It just so happened that my head was right by her mouth...and so she started to suck my head...

Luckily Mommy was watching and so she saved me from Kayla and fed her...
If Kayla continues to pick on me when we're bigger then I'm going to start crying more...but for now, I'll just take the abuse. Not for long though!

My Three Favourite People

Our Bedroom

Hi everyone! It's Matthew and Kayla. We wanted to show you pictures of our bedroom!

Right now, we sleep in the same crib. We like each other's company! I think we'll probably share a crib until we are too big to, or until we start disturbing each other. We sleep in Matthew's crib.

Us Sleeping!

Matthew's Crib

On the closet door is a measurement tree so that Mommy and Daddy can keep track of how tall we are (Grandma bought it for us). Right now, we are both about 21" (we were 19.75" when we were born). As of last week Monday we weighed 7 lb 4 oz (Matthew) and 7 lb 5 oz (Kayla). We are growing so fast! Mommy says that we are going to go get weighed again this week some time.

Kayla's Crib

We are going through a lot of diapers and a lot of laundry. One night, Mommy had to change Kayla's diaper four times! She was not impressed. We've been better now. Kayla tries to save diapers by peeing on Grandma after her bath (before her diaper is on). Grandma doesn't like that very much. Hopefully Mommy and Daddy can buy cloth diapers soon so that we don't use as many disposable ones.

Change Table and Rocking Chair

We also had a baby shower this week (on Tuesday) with all of Mommy's aunts and cousins. There were a lot of people there and we were spoiled! We've even started wearing some of our new sleepers already! No more newborn clothes for us, we're wearing 0-3 month clothes now! We are going to go to a baby shower with Daddy's family around Easter time.

We were baptized yesterday, but Mommy doesn't have the pictures from this yet so we're not going to talk about it yet.

Anyways, it's almost our dinner time so Mommy has to go. Hope you like our bedroom!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Our Quirks...

Do not let her cute appearance deceive's all a part of her master plan. She knows exactly what she's doing...
1. When she's crying, all you have to do is pick her up and she stops. It didn't take her long to figure that out.
2. Kayla has, what I like to refer to as, "UBS"...uncontrollable bladder syndrome. In other words, she likes to pee at random moments...most often just after her morning bath once she is wrapped up in her towel. My mom is usually the target of these pees...I've told her to start keeping spare clothes here as Kayla's UBS acts up almost daily. I think we have to wash the change pad cover daily. I even went out to buy a second one...and the other day she peed on both.

Kayla and her Grandpa. We've had quite a few people mention that she looks like him...which makes sense because I've always been told that I look like my Grandma Vander Ende, as has my Dad.

I'm not quite sure what's quirky about him yet. He's pretty content to just lay there and stare up at you with big eyes. Although...he did have an episode of "UBS" himself on Sunday (yesterday) morning. I was giving him his final diaper change before heading to church when I noticed he started to pee. Not wanting him to get his outfit wet, I had two options: 1) Turn him towards myself and sacrifice the outfit I was wearing, or 2) Turn him towards the wall. I chose option he peed against his bedroom wall.

Matthew holding his own bottle.

What about Jon isn't quirky? :) Kidding, Jon.

Oh man, where to begin. I have always been a crazy dreamer...but now it's to the extreme. Here is an example of what I've been dreaming, almost nightly (as per Jon):

Scenario: I'm in bed, sleeping. Jon enters the room to come to bed. I tend to pull the blankets to my side of the bed so Jon has to give them a little pull towards his side before he can climb into bed. The moment I feel the pull of the blankets, this happens:

Laura: "Hey, be careful! She is lying beside me."
Jon: "Who is beside you?"
Laura: "Kayla."
Jon:"Really? Because I was just holding her on the couch and then put her in the crib." (Jon starts laughing)
Laura: (Mad face and an exhale of disgust)

Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the conversation and realize what I'm saying...other times I wake up believing what I'm saying, and so I try not to move too much because I swear that I'm holding a baby, and I get frustrated when I can't figure out where the baby is under the mass of blankets on me. I often get scared to feel the blankets in my arms in case one of the babies actually IS under there. It's really quite funny when you think about it.