Sunday, April 22, 2012

13 Months Old

**As of April 18**

Makes 'car' noises when playing with cars, and likes to imitate you when you make cow sounds (MOOO!) and  lion/bear sounds (ROAR!)

Has started to show a little more attitude again.  He used to just make a fist and give an angry face, but now he also arches his back.  Too funny.

Loves to eat anything and everything - even if it's not his favourite food.  He LOVES candy.  He loves eating pieces of peppermints.

Is still super ticklish.  Love his giggle!

Knows how to crawl now, but I wouldn't say he's 'crawling' quite yet.  Maybe in a day or two.

LOVES his Uncle Jason.  Just loves him.  He gets to see Jason quite a bit with it being exam time at TWU so Jason is home a lot more, and Matthew spends more time at my parents because I'm working.

Likes to make 'spitting' noises at people, particularly those he likes.  We really noticed this when David & Laura were visiting...whenever he saw Laura he would 'spit' at her.

Runs everywhere.

Astounds me with how much she is learning every day.

Know where her hair, ears, feet, and belly button are.

Can feed her baby a bottle.  The bottle is usually in the baby's eye and not the baby's mouth, but she gets it. She even makes a 'slurping' noise while feeding the baby because that's what we always did when we showed her how to do it.

Loves playing with balls and her babies.

Has a short attention span, but she can sometimes surprise me with playing with something all by herself for a  longer period of time.

Can't really sit through a book yet, but is starting to read books to herself, talking as she turns the pages.

Tries to put your socks on your feet by laying them on top of your feet.

Knows our bedtime routine really well.  After finishing her bottle she'll walk straight to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Usually wants to go down for her morning nap, and will stand by her crib trying to climb into it.

Is an amazing sleeper.  She usually goes down without crying and has to get woken up in the morning.

Points to everything.

Asks for something by reaching up towards it and opening and closing her hand quickly.

Can be a pain to feed.  She typically refuses the first bite of every meal, but as she's spitting it out she'll realize that it's good and then will eat.  I've given up on trying to force her to eat...if she doesn't want to eat then she doesn't get food.  Doesn't happen too often anymore...maybe once every few weeks?

Doesn't have a HUGE sweet tooth...but was caught sneaking chocolate eggs out of my parents' candy bowl last week.  It was pretty cute :)

Likes to play with whatever Matthew is playing with.

Loves being chased and tickled.

Loves when you jump out from behind a corner and yell 'Boo!'.  She screams and then laughs.

Has actually started to like her Uncle Jason now.  Jason said he also likes her more now that she's not "so moody".

Is a HUGE Mommy's girl.  Kayla and I are BFFs.  I'm definitely her go-to person 24-7.  She does amazing when my mom has to babysit her though - she doesn't miss me at all.  She only lasts 5-10 minutes in the church nursery before I get called out because she is sobbing and inconsolable.

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