Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Update on Us

I realized that my posts lately have been so focused on Matthew and Kayla that I should probably do a general update on Jon and I!

Jon started out the school year TOC-ing every day (yes, teachers do call in sick on the first day of school!) and is now in a what-we-think-will-be-permanent teaching position at North Surrey Secondary School.  Administration was not happy with the previous teacher and so they are trying to "get rid of her".  Meanwhile, Jon's taken over her entire teaching load - two Science 9 classes and two Math 9 classes.  We're hoping that he can be in that position long enough to guarantee himself a contact/full-time employment for the coming semesters!  He loves having his own class, but is now super-busy with planning and marking.  The one thing nice about TOC-ing is that you only work from 8:30 - 3:30.  Now he teaches from 8:05 - 2:10, stays at school until 4:45, comes home and eats dinner, and then does more school work until 9:30pm. I've even helped him with marking when I have time.

Nothing is new with me.  :)  I had my appointment at Genesis for a hysteroscopy on September 28th, and that went well so we have the 'go-ahead' to proceed with a frozen embryo transfer.  I love how they allow you to watch the computer screen as they look at your uterus with the micro-camera.  The doctor could still see where the placenta of my miscarried baby was attached to my uterus, and so she poked at it a bit to help speed up the process of it flaking off.  She said it was completely normal and was nothing of concern.  So what does this mean?  Well, on the first day of my October period I call in to Genesis to tell them that I am going to start with the frozen embryo transfer with my next cycle.  They ask for a month's warning so that they can double-check my file/records to make sure that all of the necessary testing has been done.  So, we could start as early as November...which would give us a due date in August.  Jon thinks he wants us to wait a month so that he would have a September due date, but I'm not sure I want to wait.  We'll see.  I'm sure I'll win :)  haha.

Anyways, that's what is new with us.  We are busy, busy, busy!

1 comment:

  1. So happy for you guys with Jon's potential job! Fingers crossed! And of course the upcoming invitro. Eek! Hope it all goes well!
