Friday, May 16, 2014

Mastitis Again

I have been pumping twice daily for about a week now, and lo and behold, I got mastitis yesterday.  I had  horrible sleep the evening before, and woke up feeling very achy with a pounding headache.  I stayed in bed until Jon left for work (7:30), and then dragged myself out because someone had to take care of the kids.  Thank goodness Nathan slept through the night again!  I loaded up on tylenol and got on with my day.  When I went to pump, I noticed a HUGE red spot on my breast, which confirmed my suspicion.  My Mom came over at noon so that I could head to the clinic to get a prescription.  When I explained to the doctor that I was only pumping twice daily in an attempt to wean, he asked if I was taking any medication to assist with that.  Ummm...prescription?!?!?  YES, PLEASE!  I left the clinic with a prescription for antibiotics and medication to dry up my milk supply.  Once I've gotten over the mastitis and have finished my antibiotics then I'm allowed to start the other medication.  I'm just tired of mastitis and cracked nipples.  It's not worth it if I'm bracing myself for pain even before the pump starts.  The end is in sight!!  At least I'll have given Nathan breastmilk for over 7 months!  Especially since I had considered switching him to formula after he was first born and we were having the feeding issues.  

P.S.  Nathan slept through the night AGAIN last night.  That's three days in a row!  Maybe this is actually it!

1 comment:

  1. You've done good Laura! I feel bad that you have mastitis though. Ouch, that must hurt. Hope you feel better soon. You've given Nathan the best start in life ever.
