Friday, May 6, 2016

Nathan is 2.5!

Nathan is now two and a half years old, but I feel like he's four.  He's just so big and so smart/mature for his age!  I often have to tell myself that he's only 2.5, so when he's not behaving as well as Matthew and Kayla it's okay.  Poor kid has such high standards set for him because he can usually meet them!

Nathan weighs 34.6 lb and is roughly 39.5" tall.  He is at the end of his size 3 clothes and is into his size 4 clothes.  He wears size 9 shoes.

He is fantastic at playing with either Matthew and Kayla, or with Olivia, or independently.  He often starts with playing with Matthew and Kayla but eventually migrates to the toy room where I'll hear him playing by himself, typically with the Fisher Price Little People.  He's great at setting up one of the scenes and moving people around.

Nathan loves the outdoors - he would play outside rain or shine if I let him!  He loves the sandbox, and loves riding a tricycle around.  He's great at his balance bike, and so the tricycle is to help develop the concept of pedaling.  Once he's a pro at both then we'll switch him to a 'big kids' bike.  Maybe at the end of this summer?  We'll see.

{I love it when he wears his hat backwards.  It's SO cute on him!}

Nathan is a HUGE Mommy's boy.  He typically does not let Jon do anything for him in the evenings.  We were hoping it was a phase and so Jon was just fighting with him every evening, but we gave in and now I do Nathan's night-time routine, in order to save their relationship.  He was requesting that I lay by him in his bed after saying goodnight but that seems to be dying out.

He is very inquisitive, and thinks things through.  We do a lot of talking about who will be babysitting him the day of my brother Jason's wedding in May, and which kids will be babysat with him and which won't.  He completely understands who will be at the wedding and who won't be.  He likes to ask, "Why?" and say, "Even so-and-so?" ('even' being the key word he is using daily).

{He fell asleep on the couch after dinner.  It's tiring being a toddler that doesn't nap!}

Nathan has really begun to sing.  He likes to sing his ABCs and has started to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and "Old McDonald Had a Farm."  At least one of my kids is willing to sing out loud!

When Matthew and Kayla received LeapPads for their birthday he very maturely sat and watched them excitedly open them.  He wasn't at all jealous, but was keenly interested in what they received.  I anticipated that them receiving something so fun would be tough for him, because they are typically always doing the same things at the same time, so I had picked a secondhand one up for him and gave it to him shortly after they received theirs.  He was thrilled.

Nathan knows that Kayla's letter is K, Matthew's is M, and his is N.

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