Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Olivia is 2!

Olivia is two!  My baby is definitely not a baby anymore and we are diving into toddler-hood and the "terrible twos."  She is stubborn!!!  She can be so extremely frustrating, and then so extremely cute the next minute.

At two years old, Olivia weighs 27.4 lb and is 35.5" tall.  She is taller than Kayla was at this age, and just a tad bit shorter than Nathan was.  It makes sense now, why she is starting to wear 3T clothes, whereas Kayla didn't wear them until she was almost three.  Speaking of clothes, Olivia still refuses to wear flip flops, so she has been wearing crocs all summer long.  Or boots.  If she sees her boots at the bottom of her shoe bin she'll choose those.

She is quickly becoming quite the chatterbox, so long as she is in a comfortable environment.  I understand roughly 50% of what she says.  When she is in an unfamiliar environment with people she doesn't know, she clams right up and won't even make eye contact or crack a smile.

She always talks about "Memma" (Emma) and "Ry-yee" (Riley).  She loves to play with Emma, and loves to boss Riley around.  "Ry-eee, NO!"

Kayla is called "See-da", Matthew is "Sa-hew", Nathan is "Mmm-hmm."  All flies are called "bees."

She loves playing with lego or duplo, trains, and her baby.  She also loves doing puzzles.  Olivia loves swimming.

Her favourite thing to eat is chips (what a Struik!).  Or candy.  Or fruit.  Thank goodness she likes fruit.  She absolutely loves juice and chocolate milk.

She has enjoyed the luxury of being able to climb into my bed while camping a little too much, because when we are home, that's the only place she wants to sleep.  She puts up a fight going to bed, and then wakes up during the night only wanting my bed.  She also likes to sleep at the foot of Nathan's bed.  It will be nice when summer is over and we can figure out where we want her to sleep and do some sleep-training.

{She couldn't sleep so I took her out of bed and let her snack and watch t.v. with me}

{She couldn't sleep so I let her sleep on my bedroom floor like the big kids do.  I was quite surprised that she didn't fight to sleep in my bed.}

 Birthday Celebrations:

{Jon and I gave her her birthday gift (the doll bike seat) early, so that she could get maximum enjoyment from it while camping.  She LOVES biking her baby around.}

{Celebrating her birthday with my parents and Candice two days early.}

{Birthday "cake" (an ice cream sandwich) #1}

{Birthday cake #2 to celebrate with cousins on Aug 8}

{Too many people are paying attention to me...must act shy!}

{We spent Olivia's birthday driving 10 hours to Vanderhoof.  We actually had forgotten that it was her birthday until we had been driving for a few hours.}

{We celebrated Olivia's birthday again when we reached Vanderhoof, with birthday cake #3}

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