Thursday, October 19, 2017

Olivia is 26 Months Old!

Although her birthday was only two months ago, it seems like we have done a lot since then!  Time sure flies...

Olivia now weighs 28.4 lb.  She wears her size 3T clothes easily and wears size 7 shoes.

We attempted to potty train her mid-September, but that was quite unsuccessful and so we stopped after a solid day of trying and will try again in the future.  I wasn't frustrated since she's quite young; I'm just eager to stop having to buy diapers!

Olivia has been doing jigsaw puzzles non-stop for the past two months.  She quickly graduated from 4-piece to 6-piece to 9-piece to 15-piece puzzles.  She definitely looks at the piece to determine what part of the picture is on it, and tries to match it accordingly.  She just doesn't tire of puzzling!

She continues to love her bald babies and carries a baby with her wherever we go.  Baby comes to school drop-off and pick-ups, grocery shopping, in the car to church, to Grandma's house, etc.  If she can't find her baby, then Nathan's baby is her alternate.

She also continues to enjoy scootering and biking.  She loves playgrounds and has no fear attempting to scale any sort of climbing wall.

Olivia now has all of her drinks in a "big girl" cup with the exception of her post-nap drink, which is in a sippy cup so that she can drink it while sitting on the couch.  I find that she finishes all of her milk with much less encouragement, which is nice.  We have also raised her booster seat and taken the tray off so that she can sit right at the table with us.  So far, everything has gone well!

Since our last camping trip, Olivia has become a phenomenal sleeper.  She goes to bed around 7:15/7:30 with the older three without a fight (so long as she has her baby and water bottle with her), and wakes up around 6:30/6:45.  She never climbs out of her crib on her own (which only has three crib sides and a crib rail on the fourth), so I always have to go grab her...and then I bring her back to my bed where she often will fall asleep again for a little.

She continues to have a love/hate relationship with Nathan.  She loves him dearly, but often gets annoyed with his non-stop pestering.  She is always excited to see Matthew and Kayla after school and seldom fights with them.

{First time having her finger nails painted!}

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