Monday, February 12, 2018

Olivia is 2.5 Years Old!

At 2.5 years old, Olivia weighs 29.6lb and is 37 15/16" tall.  She is quickly growing out of her size 3 clothes and is starting to move into her size 4s.  She comfortably wears size 8 shoes.

These past two months have been huge for Olivia.  She went through some intense sleep-training (intense for both her and us!), stopped sitting in a high chair at the dinner table and she's well on to her way in being potty trained!  I successfully sold our high chairs, playpen, and crib bedding this month.
     - Sleep-Training:  At the beginning of the Christmas holidays Jon reached his breaking point for being super frustrated with having Olivia sleep in our bed nearly every night.  He took charge and is solely responsible for how she is an amazing sleeper now.  It took less than a week, but those days were filled with her crying and screaming at the top of her lungs because she wanted to come to "Mommy's bed."  Now, she falls asleep instantly when she goes to bed around 7:30pm and sleeps through the entire night, until 7:00am.
     - High Chair:  Olivia just all of a sudden decided that she did not want to sit in the high chair, so we went through about a one-week trial of her just sitting on a regular chair to see how she would do and she was great.  She often gets tired of sitting on her own chair about halfway through a meal and so then she climbs onto my lap and finishes her meal sitting with me.  I don't mind!
     - Potty Training:  Olivia continues to stay dry for the majority of the day, so long as we make sure to put her on the potty every 1.5-2 hours.  I have yet to catch a morning pee, but that will come, with time.  I look forward to her taking the initiative to going to the potty when she has to go.

Olivia continues to be a strong-willed (stubborn?) and independent little girl.  When she is mad or angry she stops in her tracks and refuses to budge, stating, "carry me."  I can even threaten to drive off without her, closing the car doors and climbing in the driver seat and she doesn't bat an eye.  So frustrating!

{"Mommy do it!!!}

She typically plays by herself most of the time, always with her "baby" in her arms.  She seldom puts her doll down.  She enjoys playing with doll stuff (bottles/blankets/strollers) or Little People.

Olivia loves Kayla and Nathan the most...although dislikes Nathan the most as well.  Olivia idolizes Kayla and soaks it up when Kayla plays with her.  Nathan loves to be affectionate with Olivia which she can only tolerate to a certain degree, and shrieks in frustration when she has had enough.

She typically does not like Jon at all as well.  There was not a typo there!  She is 100% a Mommy's girl.  She will only let me brush her teeth and will only let me put her to bed and will only let me kiss her goodnight.  It's quite hilarious.  Just a frustrating stage for Jon!

Olivia was watching me undress before my shower the other day and said, "Mommy, you have a huge bum."  I thought at first she had said, "Mommy, you have a cute bum" and then she corrected me.  Burn on me!

She has started singing this month, singing "Five Little Monkeys", "Let It Go", and the "ABCs".  None in their entirety, but enough that you know what she is singing.

She loves having a bath (but does not like to lay on her back) and still loves to swim.  She is great at her balance bike and with a little bit of practice on a tricycle to learn how to pedal, I think she could be on a pedal bike by the end of the summer.  She has no fear!

Olivia is extremely patient and tolerant when I do her hair each morning.

Her favourite foods to eat are candies and chips and to drink is chocolate milk and juice. 

For breakfast and lunch she likes to have whatever Nathan has, whether it be muffins or chocolate icing on bread or peanut butter  and jam (with some chocolate sprinkles on top...something she started!).  For dinner, she loves french fries or roasted potatoes, but is a really good eater regardless.  Her and Kayla are always the first finished eating.  She does exceptionally well when we have spicy food or rice-based dishes.  She always drinks from a "big girl" cup, unless she is having juice in the afternoon and then she likes to drink from a sippy cup.

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