Saturday, May 26, 2018

Kayla on "And"

I did a big clean-up of Matthew and Kayla's bedroom this past week, and Kayla re-discovered a journal/diary that she had received as a birthday gift and brought it downstairs, to open and read later.

The next afternoon, she opened it and was reading the only entry she ever made, just days after receiving it:
"I am 7 years old.  And today it is tuesday.  My name is Kayla.  And I have two brothers and one sister.  And their names are Matthew Nathan and Olivia.  Nathan is 4 years old.  Olivia is 2 years old and Matthew is 7 years old.  He is my twin.  Matthews favourite game to play is super mario world."

After she read it, she looked up at me, a bit horrified.  "Mom, I can't say "and" there!"

"What?  Why not?"

"Because it's after a period!"

"You're right!  How do you know that?  Did you learn it in school?"

"Yeah, we just learned about that today,"  she replied and proceeded to start erasing any "and" she saw that at the beginning of the sentence.

Fast forward to tonight...

Kayla had been in bed for about 45 minutes and then came out and called to me from the stairs.  "Mom!  You know the 'Magic' book I read from the library?  In one part it said Mr. and Mrs."

I had been in the middle of watching a movie on the laptop so was only half-listening to her.  I pulled one headphone out to respond.  "Yeah.  The period after the 'Mr.' means that it's the short form for "Mister, M-I-S-T-E-R".

Jon added, "Or just like doctor can be D-R-."

"No," she retorted.  "I thought that you can't say "and" after a period?"

I have no idea what made her think of that section of the book hours after she read it, but at least she's paying attention to what she is reading and what she is learning in school!

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