Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Olivia is 3 Years Old!

My baby is three!  :) :( :) :(

Olivia now weighs 33.6 lb and is 39 5/8" tall.

We are really getting to be past all things "baby" around here.  We don't even use the stroller really anymore!  It's definitely bitter-sweet; we have a lot of freedom to take the kids on a wide range of outings/activities because Olivia is now tall enough and wise enough to enjoy them.  We aren't held back by meal times or nap times.  It's sad because she's getting so big when she cuddles on my lap!

Olivia is 39 5/8" tall and weighs 33.6 lb.  She is extremely comfortable in her size 4 clothing, and I feel like we will be pulling out the size 5 clothes this fall/winter.  She wears size 9 shoes comfortably as well.

She often refers to her siblings as "my brother" and "my sister", as if we didn't know the relationship between her and Matthew/Kayla/Nathan.

Although she doesn't officially nap anymore, it's always nice for her when she can fall asleep in the car on our way home in the afternoon for 5-10 minutes.  We've been letting her (because we let the older three) stay up until around 9pm each night, and you can tell she is young a requires a little more sleep than the 10 hours she has been betting each night.

She swims amazingly well!  She can easily swim two metres, and then she has to stop to get a breath.  She doesn't blow bubbles when she swims - we are working on that!  She is not afraid to swim in water without her puddle jumpers, even if it's deeper than she can touch.  If you don't tell her to do a "nice" jump, she tries to jump as far away from the edge as possible which results in a dive/belly flop.

Olivia enjoys playing Barbies/stuffies/dolls/roll playing with her siblings.  They really like pretending they are the "Incredibles" - Olivia always chooses to be "Elastigirl".

Olivia says "a-morrow" and "a-day" for "tomorrow" and "today".  She also has difficulty with s-blend words.  For example, for the word "skirt", Olivia would say "kirt".  For "spoon" she would say "poon".  We are very aware of this and (thanks to learning techniques when Matthew and Kayla went to speech therapy) frequently correct her by overexagerating the "s" sound in the word.  To correct "skirt", we say "ssssssssssssssssskirt".  When she focuses on saying the "s" sound she can say the word without a problem.

Conversations between Nathan and Olivia in June:
O (while wearing a dress-up princess dress):  Nathan, I'm a princess.  Do you want to marry with me?
N:  We have to kiss before we marry.

While in the car, Nathan was bugging Olivia.
O:  Nathan, I'm super mad to you!

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