Thursday, February 28, 2019

Olivia is 3.5 Years Old!

3.5 is such a great age.  She is old enough to understand instructions and to have a conversation like a "big" kid, but young enough to cuddle and treat like a baby.  I feel like I'm enjoying each passing age of Olivia's even more than the other kids' because there is no one younger than her, stealing attention away from noticing how it's such a fantastic stage.

At three and a half years old, Olivia is 41 1/16" tall and weighs 35.4 lb.  She is about an inch taller than Kayla was, and an inch shorter than Nathan was.  She is quickly outgrowing her size 4 clothes and comfortably wears her size 5 clothes.  She wears size 10 shoes.

Olivia typically wakes up at 7am each morning.  She has breakfast when we get around to breakfast, which is by 7:20am on a school morning, 8:30 on a weekend.  Her favourite thing to have for breakfast is a blueberry Eggo (ahem no name) waffle.  She loves her milk and so she downs a full cup full, willingly.  She doesn't necessarily have a morning snack since she seldom asks for food.  For lunch, she has a slice of bread with another cup of milk.  Her afternoon snack is anything from fruit to goldfish to popcorn to a cookie.  Dinner is usually around 5:30pm (sometimes earlier, sometimes later).  If dinner is something that appeals to her (ie. french fries, roasted potatoes, salad, sausage) she eats really quickly.  If it is something new or something that looks different, she requests to sit on my lap and have me feed her.  Being the youngest, I don't refuse.  She just has to wait until I'm done my plate of food first.  Sometimes she has a snack before bed, depending on when we ate dinner and how much the kids ate.  Bedtime is between 7:15pm-7:30pm.  She falls asleep really quickly, and stays sleeping through the night 50% of the time.  The other 50% of the time she climbs out of her bed with all of her stuffies and blankets and sneaks into our room to sleep between Jon and I.  Jon has long given up complaining about her squishing us to the edges of our mattress.  It's something I love and will let her do so as long as she wants to.

Olivia has learned how to spell her name: "O, line down-line across, line-dot, down-up, line-dot, line-down-line-down-attach-them."  I'm not sure she actually knows the real name of the letters :).  She can recognize them in a wordsearch though, as she proves to us each Sunday when she works on the Children's bulletin.

She is still a shy and quiet girl, but does really well in environments and with people she is familiar with.  She loves attending Muffin Morning, Noah's Ark, and Children's Church, and just started her first session of swimming lessons.  She looks sad at the start of each class, but has warmed up by the end of it.  She is a good little swimmer so I'm curious if she will show all of her abilities in this class.

Olivia plays really well independently or with her siblings and cousins.  She loves playing with Barbies, dolls, stuffies, Little People, and any other toy where she can make the characters come to life and have personalities.  It's really cute hearing her make the characters have conversations.  She often sing-talks their voices.

Kayla is her idol.  If I need her to do something she doesn't want her to do, I have Kayla ask her to do it or I convince her that Kayla would do it that way or wear it.  It usually works like a charm.

Olivia is convinced that she only loves girls and not boys.  "I love Mom and Grandma.  Not Dad because he is a boy."  She frequently tells me that she loves me (often in the middle of the night when she is laying beside me, stroking my cheek).  She also loves to give me a million kisses in a row.  She does not like having Jon do anything for her, which means that I usually have to accompany her upstairs at night to help change her into her pjs and brush her teeth.

Her favourite colours are pink and purple.  Her favourite things to eat are chips, oranges, and french fries.  She loves to ask Grandma if we can have french fries for lunch at Costco, and often gets her way.  She even manages to get Grandma to buy pop for lunch, too.

She loves her babies: Ava, Sophie, and Ariel.  She also loves Nathan's baby: Sarah.  One (or two, or three) of them accompany her almost everywhere.  She has started to take her little Melissa & Doug shopping cart (that we bought her second-hand for Christmas) grocery shopping and she nicely places her baby in the baby section and follows me while I grocery shop.

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