Sunday, September 22, 2019

Matthew and Kayla are 8.5 Years Old!


- Loves volleyball.  He was able to assist Auntie Candice at a tournament in the spring (he loved retrieving their balls during warm up!) and has become obsessed with volleyball since.  His favourite hoodie is his "Force" hoodie (the team Auntie Candice coached) and his favourite colours are now red and black (the Force team colours).
- Loves soup
- Has just finished the first "Wings of Fire" book and has excitedly moved on to the second.
- Is good at running, but not really athletic otherwise.  He has great enthusiasm for sports, but lacks the competitiveness/aggressiveness.
- Enjoys building with Lego and coming up with his own creations.
- Loves watching reality competition shows like Big Brother and Survivor.  His understanding of the strategy behind the games/shows is unreal.  He remembers more than I do!
- Has messy printing
- Is not shy when showing affection.
- Is good at doing tangrams and other visual logic puzzles.
- Is good at doing mental math.
- Is good at playing with younger kids.
- Wants to be a science teacher when he is older.
- Weighs 54.4 lb and is 51 1/4" tall.  Definitely not big for his age, but is definitely not the smallest in his grade; he's probably in the middle of the pack.

- Enjoys playing basketball, but doesn't like to admit it.  She is signed up for her second year with the Athelite league.
- Favourite foods are BLTs and quesadillas.
- She doesn't care for chocolate chip cookies; they are too sweet for her.  Same with chocolate in general.  She would much rather have an oatmeal raisin cookie.
- Loves to read.  She quickly read the first two Harry Potter books and is patiently waited to be gifted the third.  Her favourite books to read are fantasy books: ones with animals with magic powers are the best.
- Has neat printing
- Is very reserved and is not affectionate.
- Is typically quiet when outside of the house, but when she is home (in her comfort zone) she can have moments of craziness.  Her crazy antics make Matthew literally roll on the floor in laughter.  No one else has that affect on him.
- Does well at school, but lacks confidence to raise her hand to answer questions, just in case she gives the wrong answer.
- Likes crafting.
- Wants to be an author when she is older.
- Weighs 64.2 lb and is 53 5/8" tall.  One of the tallest girls in her grade.

(Watching Survivor)

(Submerged himself in the creek at Cultus)

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