Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Matthew & Kayla are 9.5 Years Old!


Matthew weighs 61.2 lb and is 53 1/2" tall.  He is transitioning to size 10 clothes and wears size 2.5 shoes.

Matthew is smart.  He seems to understand new concepts quickly and so he has always had an easy time in school.  He really enjoys (and does well in) math and is looking forward to learning algebra this year.  He is a good reader.  

Matthew loves learning, and is especially thrilled when he's learned something that neither Jon nor myself know.  He loves to be praised, and gets a sparkle in his eye when he is joking around with an adult.  Matthew has the best laugh of everyone we know, and it's fun just to watch him watch a funny cartoon/movie.  He taught himself how to roll his eyes and now he loves to do it when the situation calls for it.

Outside of school, Matthew loves playing video games.  His favourite games are Minecraft and anything that includes Mario.  He also loves to play card games, go camping, go geocaching, go biking, and to swim in his grandparents' pool.  

Kayla weighs 69.6 lb and is 56" tall.  She comfortably wears size 10 clothes and size 4 shoes.

Kayla is the easiest child in the world to parent (in our opinion!).  I'm pretty sure I have only had to raise my voice at her only once or twice in the past year.  In our household, she is the one we can count on to help us or her younger siblings without any complaining.  She strives to please those around her, and always completes tasks to the best of her ability.  

Kayla is a good student.  She does well in all areas and is a very strong reader.  She is also a perfectionist so sometimes she is hesitant to try something new if she is not confident in her ability or to answer a question if she is not 100% sure of the answer. 

She is quite quiet unless she is very comfortable with those around her... and then, watch out!  The she can be loud and obnoxious.  Matthew thinks she is hilarious when she is in her obnoxious mood and will be rolling on the floor laughing.  She's the only one that has that effect on him. 

Outside of school, Kayla LOVES to read.  She has read the first four Harry Potter books through twice.  We don't want her to get the series done too quickly so we have been limiting her to the first four.  She also loves to watch movies, go camping, go biking, go swimming in her grandparents' pool and to help me organize 😊.  Kayla plays basketball in the Athelite Youth Basketball League and is entering her third year playing with them.  Despite her calm, easy-going nature, she has surprised us by unleashing her aggressiveness when she is on the court.  Her coaches love her because she listens well and accepts constructive criticism.  

Kayla appreciates being acknowledged when praise is due, but at the same time, does not like the attention being placed on her.

As twins...
Since Matthew and Kayla were born, they have been the best of friends.  There was not one stage where they disliked or were mean to each other.  They play well together and do well apart.  Every year we ask them if they would like to be in separate classes for the next year, and every year Matthew asks to be with Kayla and Kayla says, "whatever Matthew wants."   

Some pictures in reverse chronological order:

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