Monday, June 28, 2010

Injection Day 1

Injections (PM):
Repronex 75 IU
Bravelle 112 IU

Ahh...first day of injections. I don't know how to feel right now. Sometimes I'm excited, sometimes I'm scared. I try not to think about it too much, and just try to live my every day life. The last thing I want is to be super excited and optimistic and then for it to not work. I feel I would come crashing down from a super high to a super low. At the same time, I don't want to be down about it because it's not good for my overall health. So I guess I'm trying to find a happy medium - pessimistically optimistic? optimistically pessimistic? lol.

Jon was pretty excited to mix all of the medications together tonight for the injection. I don't think he's ever gotten off of the couch so quickly at the sound of me getting ready for bed! We think we mixed it all correctly :) I haven't passed out yet so that's a good sign lol.

Giving the injection was fine. It hurts more after the needle is already out than when I am inserting it or injecting the medication. Even still, it doesn't really hurt. It will be interesting to see if I develop any skin reactions around the site of injection. The doctors say it's common for red patches to appear. Thank goodness I'm not camping and wearing a bikini while I'm doing the injections!

Anyways, off to bed. Tomorrow is Jason's graduation and then another round of injections. Night!

1 comment:

  1. Repronex are a mixture of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). FSH and LH are important in the development of follicles (eggs) that are produced by the ovaries in women. Repronex are used to help your body produce multiple eggs during ovulation, in preparation for in-vitro fertilization. buy repronex online from, Online Generic Medicine is an online pharmacy store that provides generic medicine and medication. They provide the best in class products and best deals. Click here to get more info.
