Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ultrasound #3

Yesterday we had our 3rd ultrasound appointment, at 2:00pm by Oakridge Mall. Jon had classes at UBC that morning so he bussed there from UBC and my Mom and I drove. Parking is A PAIN in Vancouver. So glad I don't have to go there more often. I was a little rebelious and didn't drink the full 1 L...I drank about 500-750 mL.

When we got there, the receptionist freaked out when she saw that my requisition form said I was having twins because I was only booked for one time slot (if you recall in my prior entry, the receptionist at SMH Prenatal Clinic booked me for the first available ultrasound and knew that I needed two time slots rather than just the one that she had me booked for...and asked that I play dumb) but I needed two slots. She said she might not be able to see me. I complained and said that it was not my fault that the doctor's office didn't schedule me in for the correct number of time slots, and she said that I should have called to double-check. I played dumb and said that I didn't know I needed two time slots and assumed that the doctor's office had done it correctly. She ended up saying I was lucky that I had shown up a little early so hopefully the technician would finish the appointment before mine early so that there would be extra time for me. Luckily, it worked out. I ended up going in the room at 1:50pm and quickly learned that I was not going to get the same "ask all of the questions you want" treatment as I had received during my first two ultrasounds with Genesis Fertility Clinic. I asked the technician when I first saw the screen "oh, is that the two of them?" and she responded with a frown on her face so I told her I wouldn't ask anymore questions. She took measurements for about 40 minutes. During that time I could barely see the screen. I started getting really warm from lying in one position the whole time, and I started getting clausterphobic because we were in a tiny room in the basement of a building. Thank goodness she finished shortly after that because I thought I was going to pass out! She then called my Mom and Jon in and very quickly showed us the monitor, took a few quick pictures and sent us on our way. Oh well, at least I got to see two heads, four arms, four legs, and two heart beats...a few waves of arms/hands and a couple kicks! Oh, she also said that they are both laying breech right now, and I think they are both facing my stomach because of the angle of the pictures. I'm assuming the doctor will discuss the results with me when I go for my next appointment next friday afternoon.
Here are the pictures...
First picture is of Baby 1, which is laying on my left side. You can see him/her (honestly, I always call it a 'him'...or...'the alien' lol) laying on their right hand, and the left hand is up by their chin. You can tell because you can see both forearms. You an also see the baby's right thigh/knee/'s laying in a fetal position.

Second picture is of Baby 2, laying on my right side. This picture isn't as clear, but you can make out the arms, stomach area, knee caps, and right leg/foot. I think at the bottom right in the the separate sac (?) you can see Baby 1.

Anyways, nothing else new to report. Jon's fighting a really bad cold right now so he didn't even go to school. He opted to sleep on the couch last night so that hopefully I don't get sick. I must admit, it was nice to have the whole bed to myself :)

Oh, I should mention that I finally caved in last weekend and bought some maternity clothes. It's definitely MUCH more comfortable wearing dress pants I don't have to worry about cutting off the circulation to my lower body when I'm sitting at my desk. The pants are almost TOO comfortable to be dress pants lol. I might not ever stop wearing them :)


  1. What horrible service you had!! And jon and your mom weren't even allowed in the room?? I can't believe you could barely see the screen either. Hopefully your next one will be better!! And at least you got to see that they're growing well! Its always a relief. Do you know what their heart rates were? I'm curious if one will always be higher than the other. I should look back and see if the girls were different or similiar...i know i have it written down somewhere! Anyways...glad they're looking good!!

  2. Jon and my Mom WERE allowed in the room...for like a minute. :)

    No, I didn't get their rate rates.

    You SHOULD checked the girls'...I'm curious!

  3. Nice pictures! I love that you're so rebellious in not drinking the last 300mls. . . you're outta control!! They do always make you drink WAY too much- so uncomfortable!
