Saturday, October 16, 2010

16 Weeks + Dr.'s Apointment #3 + Ultrasound Results

Once again, sorry for the delay in posting. I wanted to wait to do the '16 week' post until after my doctor's appointment yesterday.

I had to wait over an hour in the waiting room for my appointment, which the receptionist said was not normal when I asked about it. I had read on the internet that Dr. Wagner is known to be behind schedule because she gives her patients as much time as they need, so I wasn't upset or anything.

I had a full physical, which I ended up not being nervous for at all. It helps that she's a very comfortable person to be around. It also helps that I'm getting used to doctors.

We discussed the results from my ultrasound last week, and so far everything is looking good.

Head Circ.113 mm112 mm
BPD30 mm29 mm
Abdominal Circ.90 mm93 mm
Femur14 mm15 mm
Gestational Age14 weeks + 4 days14 weeks + 5 days

Based on the above measurements, my due date would be April 1 and April 2, but they won't let me go longer than 2 weeks before that, which is March 18. Jon's last day of school before spring break is March 18! Hopefully I can last to the very end because it would be perfect! Jon would have a whole week off to help out...couldn't ask for better! Fingers crossed!

I got to hear the babies' heart beats yesterday as well: Baby 1 (on my left) had a heart rate of 154 bpm, and Baby 2 (on my right) had a heart rate of 163. Pretty much the same as last time. The longer Dr. Wagner listened to them, the closer in rate they got, around 157 bpm.

They also had some of the results from my blood work back (I had gone on Tuesday). My 'blood count' (?) was measuring low at 113 (don't know what that's a measure of), so I have to go on vitamins in addition to my prenatal vitamins. She said it was pretty normal for people having twins because you have to provide twice as many vitamins to the babies. No big deal.

I haven't taken my 16 week picture yet, so I promise I'll post an 18 week picture.

Other than that, nothing else is new. Jon and I are both still fighting our colds...Jon's had his for 9 days and me for a week. It's so unusual for me to have this hard of a time fighting a cold (thanks a lot babies!). It's really taken a toll on me. I think I'll be missing church AGAIN tomorrow. I had a 2.5 hour nap this afternoon, and hopefully I'll have a good sleep tonight so that might help fight it. I'd rather go to work feeling 100% this week. Last week dragged on and it was only a short week.

Anyways, my family is waiting for me to watch a movie with them and they've told me to stop typing so much.

'Til next time!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see a picture of you at 16 weeks. Its so neat to go back to the beginning and see how far you've come already. So exciting! Glad the babies are doing well. Hope you feel better soon.
