Thursday, January 13, 2011

29 Weeks + Dr.'s Appointment #7 + Ultrasound #6 Results

It's been busy since the last time I updated!

I went for my gestational diabetes screening/blood work and it came back fine! No diabetes for me...thank goodness! My iron was a little low, but it must not have been concerning as my doctor didn't mention anything today.

I had an ultrasound done at Surrey Memorial this past Friday, and that went really well. Baby B (the girl) is now head down as well! Hopefully they both stay head down so that I can deliver naturally.
The night before, I was laying on the couch when Jon came home and he asked what I had been doing, and I said "playing with the kids."
I explained that the girl's butt kept pushing up at my stomach, and I would push back at it and it would move over and push up. We did that for about 5 minutes. Now that I know she's head down, I realize that it was her head I was poking at! Oh well :)

Here are their two heads, side by side:
Here are the results/stats from the ultrasound:

Heart Rate139154
Est. Fetal Weight1254 g (2.75 lbs)1380 g (3 lbs)


Head Circ.269 mm264 mm
BPD75 mm72 mm
Abdominal Circ.219 mm254 mm
Femur51 mm53 mm
Gestational Age27 weeks + 5 days28 weeks + 1 day

My mom's first comment when she saw that the girl was heavier than the boy was "what a little porker". hahaha. Reminds me of pictures of Jon as a toddler (he was skin & bones) and myself (I was a porker). According to my "What to Expect..." book for singletons at 28 week they should be 2.5 lbs, so when both babies were more than that I was definitely super-excited! Let's hope I can keep them inside for as long as possible!

I was nervous for my doctor's appointment today because I know that at any time they could put me on bed-rest, and I'm not ready to stop working/having a normal life yet. It was definitely not worth it to worry though! My blood pressure is still "very nice" and the doctor said that there was no need for me to make any changes to my working hours. Phew. She took my fundal measurement again this time, and I'm measuring between 36 and 37 weeks. And everyone tells me I'm small. Pshh. :)

My hunger level has definitely increased these past couple of weeks. I feel like I could eat ALL THE TIME. I feel like I am eating ALL THE TIME! It's nice getting special treatment now that I have to intake so many calories for the babies. I get the bigger portion of dinner if I want it, I get double the dessert if I want it. Yum. The only downside is having to force myself to eat even if nothing seems appealing.

The babies have also been kicking/elbowing/kneeing up a storm the past couple of weeks as well. It's simply amazing. The best time to see them "in action" is right when I climb into bed. As soon as I lay down and let my body relax, they start going crazy! My stomach looks like rolling hills, literally. You can actually see them push up against my stomach and move all over. Their favourite spot is right under my belly button (and yes, it's still an innie...barely there, but definitely not popping out...yet...). I don't get tired of feeling them kick. Annoyed at times, yes, when they are distracting me from work or if they are kicking at my ribs, but overall, I love it. I never thought it would be possible to grow so attached to it. How could you not? It's amazing.

Jon and I are getting excited now that the end is approaching. Yes, it's going to be a huge adjustment for us. But man, it's going to be great. The baby room is coming along. I had Jon hang up a couple shelves last night, so as soon as his tools are out of that room I can start moving things around a bit. Once we have it 'finalized'
then I'll post some pictures.

I can't believe we only have 9 weeks to go (max). CRAZY. Crazy good though :)

I don't think I have much else to 'report'. I start seeing my doctor every two weeks now, and ultrasounds will continue to be a monthly occurrence. Starting at around 33 weeks I will have to go to Surrey Memorial every week for about 30 minutes of fetal monitoring, where they strap two fetal monitors to my stomach and monitor the babies' activity. It's going to be busy! I'm definitely grateful for a job that is completely flexible for whatever appointments/basketball practices & games I have. I'm also grateful for the number of vacation/personal/sick days I've been saving over the past three years so that I don't have to worry about making up missed hours!

I'll end with a current picture of myself:


  1. We're so glad everything is going well. Hang in there for the next couple of months. Since we're in California (haha!!) it's so great having this blog.

    Lots of Love Uncle Dick & Aunt Jean

  2. That's awesome that they're both head down. I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering if they both still had room in there to flip themselves around. You look great!

  3. 9 more weeks? That is crazy! Time is going by really fast. Laura, you look amazing, so excited for you that both babies are now in the downward position. Wishing you the Lord's daily blessings, health, and strength for the weeks ahead.

  4. I am so excited for you too, and for us as well. Two babies, at once, its starting to sink in now. So thankful you are doing so well Laura, with the weight and blood pressure, everything looks so healthy. 9 more weeks!!!

  5. I can't wait till they're born!! You look great!!

  6. I'm so excited too! And that everything is going so well so far! Yay!! Its such a relief each week that passes with them cozy in your body. Don't you wish you could peel back your skin and actually see what they're doing?? Feeling them move is definatly the best part of pregnancy!
