Friday, January 28, 2011

31 Weeks + Dr.'s Appointment #8

Nothing much new.

I had another doctor's appointment yesterday and everything is looking good. My blood pressure is still perfect, so I'm still able to work and coach basketball, which was music to my ears. I've been really nervous for each appointment since 2011 began because I don't want to be put on bed rest. I think I would go crazy! Plus, it's too soon to leave work. Almost all of my duties have been trained away, but we're super busy so I don't want to leave them just yet. Luckily, I don't have to yet!

Baby A (boy)'s heartrate was between 145 /150 bpm, and Baby B (girl)'s heart rate was between 150/155 bpm.

I'm now measuring 40 weeks. Yikes. I still have 7 more to go. Yikes. Actually, it's not really that bad. I don't feel big at be honest, I even forget that I have an extra large belly sometimes.

The babies continue to move around like crazy. It's not a visible from the outside as it was a few weeks ago (I could actually see what looked like arms move across my stomach), but my stomach is definitely always moving. I've noticed that the boy (Baby A) has really increased his activity this past week. He woke me up a couple nights ago because he was moving around so much. I swear he was actually jumping in my pelvis. I sent him "go to sleep" thoughts, and he calmed down. It's been nice that he's been more active because I thought he might not have had enough room to move around. Now I know he does. Whenever he moves it causes me a little more discomfort/annoyance because of the tight quarters he's living in. A few times I've let out a little "oh!" due to the sudden feeling of him moving. The girl's favourite place to move around is right underneath my belly button. All I have to do is touch my belly button and I can feel her move around....and eventually push up under it. It's surprising that my belly button hasn't popped out at all.

I've really started to notice my increased body temperature. I'm used to being really cold during the winter, but now I never am. I'm so glad I'm not this pregnant in the middle of the summer because I don't think I could handle it. I start to go a little crazy even now because I feel like I can't breathe because it's so warm. It's gross. Luckily, it's not 24-7!

Total weight gain so far: 35lbs. Not bad.

My next ultrasound is on February 7th, doctor's appointment on February 9th, and then a fetal monitoring appointment on February 16th. I'm looking forward to seeing what that will be like.

I'll post an update with an updated picture again in a couple weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Its so exciting to read the updates of your babies. I'm getting to know them already by your writing about them. So cool!! Keep healthy!
