I cannot believe that Matthew and Kayla are four months old already! Ah...where is time going? What happened to my little babies?

Since we returned home from Cultus Lake Matthew and Kayla started having naps in their cribs. As much as I miss all of the cuddles, I think they sleep longer when they are on their own. They typically take 3 or 4 naps a day: late morning, early afternoon, late afternoon, and sometimes early evening. I try to discourage the early evening nap for fear that it will make their bedtime (usually around 9pm) later.

This is Kayla's position of choice when she naps. It's so cute!
They have both found their hands and enjoy playing with toys, whether it be the ones hanging from their play mat, ones held in front of them while they sit on your lap, or the one attached by links to their car seat.

They also have been using the Jolly Jumper now. They don't quite know how to jump yet, but they enjoy the slight bouncing / moving around they do.
Kayla has become quite a talker as well now. She usually starts out very quiet, no louder than a whisper, but it definitely gets louder. I got a giggle out of her on July 6th.
They had their 4-month immunizations yesterday (well, only the one as the other one is on back order so it will be done next week) and they did really well. Matthew went first and actually didn't start crying until Dr. Shah was pulling the needle out.
Their weights are:
Matthew - 12 lb 12 oz
Kayla - 13 lb 8 oz
I'm having trouble believing Matthew's because when my mom and I weighed him last month he was 12 lb 14 oz. Hmm. So either we were wrong or the receptionist who weighed him at Dr. Shah's office. We're going to take him to the health unit on Monday to weigh him again to confirm. Not that it's overly important, the Dr. was still impressed with his weight gain since he last saw Matthew at his two-month appointment.
I asked Dr. Shah about Matthew's head again (is it still looking okay?), and he was pleased with the improvement it's already made.
Dr. Shah was impressed with Kayla's strength and accomplishments and called her "advanced", so Jon and I have been joking about if we feel we are able to raise an "advanced" child lol. All in jokes though (we know that she won't actually be a superstar or anything, she's just quick). Speaking of which, the other day she manage to creep forward about an inch, and I've caught her trying to get on her knees...and she's managed to turn herself 180 degrees a few times. I really need to look into getting a baby gate for a stairs!
Encouraging Kayla to creep/crawl by placing a toy just out of reach.
Matthew and Kayla are aware of each other now. It's neat to see them watching each other, and I think I caught them talking to each other once. I wonder when they'll start showing signs of jealousy if I'm only playing/holding one of them?
Jon only has 3.5 weeks of school left and then he's DONE! Since starting at Kwantlen in September 2005, Jon has pretty much gone to school non-stop, even taking a course or two during the summers. Can't wait to celebrate on August 12th! He's definitely learned to make good use of his breaks between classes since Matthew and Kayla have been born, because now if he has to do homework at night he usually has to keep an eye on one of them.
Other Random Pictures:

Reading them a nursery rhyme book before bed. Don't let the picture deceive you - they weren't too interested!
Watching television with Dad. Kayla is such a tv bug!
Playing with Auntie Candice

I received the shirts they're wearing (as well as matching sleepers) from a lady off of Craigslist that I swapped coupons with. After arranging our trade we discovered that we were both parents to boy/girl twins so she included the clothes with our deal.
They are getting so big!!! I miss them so much! Oh they are just so adorable, wish I could come tomorrow and snuggle them both to pieces.