Sunday, August 5, 2012

Matthew's Walking!

Wow!  Does that ever feel good to say!  He's been able to do it for quite a while was just a matter of him choosing to do it on a regular basis.  Yesterday was the day for him to make the switch, apparently.  After a whole day of whining (likely due to a combination of the heat outside/inside and two molars cutting through with the third on the way) and a refusal to eat dinner at my parents' house, I had had enough and packed everything up and took Matthew and Kayla home (Jon was on the island for a friend's wedding).  A dose of Tylenol + his soother + being home seemed to settle Matthew down....and he decided to walk!  He snuck up on me by walking from the living room to the bathroom, and then snuck up on me in the kitchen.  I was shocked each time he appeared!  I'm so used to hearing him come crawling, hands and knees slapping on the ground, that to not hear anything at all and then see him standing there was super exciting!  Today was much of the same, him walking most of the time, so it's official, he's walking!  He needs the occasional reminder when I catch him crawling, to "stand up and walk", and then he does so immediately.

His new-found freedom worries me a little bit.  Already last night on the way to go back to my parents' for some dessert, Kayla headed straight there while Matthew took the scenic route around the garden.  How am I going to control both at once?  It's been so easy for Kayla...walking wherever she pleases while I follow carrying Matthew.  How will she respond when I don't let her have the same freedom?  How do I teach them that they may not go down the driveway to the road?  Oh man, this is a whole new chapter in their (and our) lives!  Two toddlers...let the fun begin!


  1. Way to go Matthew! No crawling around for him in the dirt when you go camping! Awesome timing!
