Monday, July 30, 2012

Looking Ahead

I called Genesis Fertility today.  Yes, it's only been six days, but who knows what sort of procedures and/or waiting list they have right now.  I was nervous to leave my message for the nurses explaining what has all happened, but even more nervous when they called me back five minutes ago.

The nurse was super nice (they all are, so it shouldn't be a surprise), and what she told me is exactly what I expected.

As soon as I get my next period (probably August/September some time) I have to call in to book a hysteroscopy.  Little does everyone know that I had already had one of these done in May in preparation for frozen embryo transfer in June :).  A hysteroscopy is "a form of minimally invasive surgery. The surgeon inserts a tiny telescope (hysteroscope) through the cervix into the uterus. The hysteroscope allows the surgeon to visualize the inside of the uterine cavity on a video monitor. The uterine cavity is then inspected for any abnormality. The surgeon examines the shape of the uterus, the lining of the uterus and looks for any evidence of intrauterine pathology (fibroids or polyps). The surgeon also attempts to visualize the openings to the fallopian tubes (tubal ostia)."  It's really not a big deal at all, although the last time I had it done I think the nurses thought I was crazy for not having moral support with me.  Given that the hysteroscopy goes well (and the results are the same as last time, having a uterus as "beautiful as a panoramic photo" according to the doctor), then we will be allowed to proceed with the frozen embryo transfer with my following cycle.  Fingers crossed!!!

We're coming to get you little Matthew and little Kayla!  (Well, only one of you...the other will have to wait until next time!).  Not too much longer!

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