Saturday, August 17, 2013

32.5 Weeks

Such a random time in pregnancy to do an entry, but I feel if I don't record a couple of these things I'm going to forget to do it...and Matthew and Kayla are still sleeping (yes, still sleeping at 8:26am!) so I was taking advantage of that and doing my 'internet-stuff' in bed.

Baby Struik has started to have the hiccups this week, right on schedule.  I know s/he is still head down because I can feel his/her head bouncing in my pelvis.  S/he is lying in the exact same position that Kayla was (to my knowledge)...head down, curling around my right side, feet up.  When I have a braxton hicks contraction (which are fairly frequent), you can see that there is no baby on the left side of my tummy.  At least when it's not contracted it looks round-ish (except for my belly button area, that area is lower than the rest of my tummy for who knows why).

Matthew and Kayla both felt Baby Struik kick yesterday afternoon, and understood what they were feeling.  They love to put their hands on my tummy if I tell them that Baby Struik is kicking...and this time it all made sense to them.  Matthew's face lit up and he had the biggest smile cute.

I've been asked if carrying a singleton is different than carrying twins...and up until now, it hasn't been.  However, at this point in my pregnancy with Matthew and Kayla the movement changed and became more 'rolls' than 'kicks'.  With Baby Struik, s/he just goes crazy sometimes.  Sometimes it's almost hurting me because s/he is kicking/stretching/punching/rolling around all at once.  It's seriously nuts.  Jon laughs at me because I'm always telling him to watch my tummy, and it looks wild.  Last night Jon asked me how I could even sleep with all that movement going on.  It will be interesting to see if the movement continues like this, or at what point s/he will run out of room.

7.5 weeks left.  Crazy.  So much has to happen in the next 7.5 weeks...but I'm sure it's just going to continue to fly by.  Jon and I better agree on a name soon...he's completely axed down my favourite name, saying "over my dead body".  But it's perfect!!!!  Sigh.

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