Saturday, August 31, 2013

34 Weeks

Time is really going fast now.  Seems like I'm almost done...but then I realize that so much has to happen between now and October 9th that it's still a ways away.  Maybe I'm in denial?  Still have a name to choose, clothes to wash, Matthew to potty train (fingers crossed!!).

This pregnancy has really begun to be a fair bit different than with Matthew and Kayla's.  Baby Struik is one strong baby.  The other night I was getting really frustrated because Baby Struik kept stretching out in me, and holding the stretch.  It was getting so sore I felt like punching that little baby.  (Don't worry, I didn't).  With Matthew and Kayla's pregnancy I never experienced any of the massive baby moves I guess because they were squishing each other and just didn't have the space.

I've gained 38 pounds so far which freaks me out.  My goal was to have my weight gain less than the number of weeks pregnant I was...which I obviously failed to do.  People are shocked when I tell them, so I don't really know where all the weight is.  I've definitely noticed my butt/thighs are larger...but other than that, I don't really feel like I notice the weight anywhere else.

I've really started noticing my skin pulling at my sides.  Baby Struik is now growing faster than my skin can prepare for, and so I'm sure stretch marks are in my near future.  I've avoided them thus far, but with Matthew and Kayla I didn't start getting them until a few weeks before they were born so this is right on track with that too.

Matthew continues to LOVE Baby Struik.  He is always hugging my belly or putting his hand on it and looking at me with such a hopeful expression, hoping that Baby Struik isn't "aseep" (asleep) and will kick him.  I would say it happens a few times every day.  He has also become obsessed with where Baby Struik will sit in our car.  He doesn't like it if I put things on the empty seat that will be the baby's because then Baby Struik will have no where to sit.  Really cute.

Kayla and I will have discussions on what Baby Struik will be like - what baby will eat, what baby will play with, where baby will sleep, etc.  She doesn't have the same emotional connection to it that Matthew does though.

Anyways, time for bed!  And Laura - here are some pictures for you!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure where you put that weight either - you look great!
