Friday, November 21, 2014

Change is Good, Right?

I did it.  I did the one thing that I thought I would never ever (ever!) do.  Not in my wildest dreams.

I gave my employer notice that I was leaving in two weeks.

I thought I would be at my employer, SB, forever.  I have been working there since the day I graduated from Trinity Western University (I graduated on Saturday, April 29, and started working on Monday, May 1st).  I have been there for eight and a half years, and that is coming to an end in two weeks.

It's time though.  I've seen the company go through huge changes - starting in a new province, starting overseas in two different countries, and then merging with an American company.  I was there at the beginning when our CEO would suddenly come into the work area, stand on a cubicle desk, ring a bell, and announce whatever exciting news he had to share.  The company was small - like a family of sorts.  It's now a corporation, and so things are different.  Not different bad, but, just different.

I was content to work in this 'differentness' though, because I don't like change.  I love my job.  I love knowing my job and doing well at it.  I love the independence of knowing exactly what I have to do each day and not having to be told what to do.  I absolutely love the people I work with.  I've been working with these ladies since the day I started in accounting and so they know me well.  They know I am sarcastic and thrifty and have lame jokes.  And I think they like me too.

Anyways, my contentedness with working at SB all changed when there was a message on my answering machine on Monday when I got home from work from my brother-in-law asking if I was interested in an accounting position at his company.  All of a sudden, there was an opportunity outside of SB.  My head was spinning that entire night.  I'm not a huge fan of change, especially when it's unexpected.  I started weighing pros and cons.  I called my boss at her house that evening and told her about the offer, and to see if they would counter offer to try to keep me.  I was working my required 20 hours over three days, and I only wanted to do it over two days.  Two days away from my kids is plenty.  Three days is too much.  I didn't want to have a reason to leave.  I wanted them to want me.  She spoke to our CFO the next day and then informed me that nothing would be changing since my part-time status was an exception already.  I had a huge decision to make.

A quote posted on Instagram caught my eye that evening, "Everything you've ever wanted, is one step outside your comfort zone."  It may sound corny, but I think it was meant to be posted, it was a sign.  I'm so very comfortable in my bubble that I often miss opportunities just because I'm scared to try new things.  Over the next couple of days I accepted the position with my brother-in-law and wrote my resignation letter.

Today, I met with my boss and handed in my letter.  I already had to fight back tears today just over the thought of leaving (and I'm not even an emotional person!), but I know it's for the best.  I'll look back someday and will see that I did the right thing (hopefully!).  For now, I'll enjoy my last two weeks of being comfortable and then I will start all over again, outside of my comfort zone.


  1. Sounds like you made a great decision. Hope the transition time goes well!

  2. I'm sure you will do great! So happy for you!

  3. Ack! I hate change as well. I hope this new job will be awesome for you!
