Thursday, August 6, 2015

9 Days Overdue

I had my last prenatal appointment with Dr. Smith today.  I finally caved in and told her she could proceed with a vaginal examination and membrane sweep in an attempt to get things going.  Unfortunately, I'm only 1 cm dilated and my cervix is still about 3 cm long, in other words, there is nothing happening yet.  She managed to do as much sweeping as she could, which was not much.  The requisition forms for post-date ultrasounds and non-stress tests were sent to Jim Pattison Outpatient Centre, and the referral form for an induction for August 12th was sent to Surrey Memorial Hospital.  If my induction is anything like it has been for my other three, then Miss Baby Struik will be born on August 13th.  My blood pressure and fundal measurement are still good, and Dr. Smith estimates that Miss Baby Struik weighs nine pounds right now.


  1. My birthday is August 14 :) Hope today is a good one for you!

  2. Laura, praying for patience as you wait for the birth of your baby. Hoping that you go into labour on your own. We are leaving in the morning and we will be in touch with you in the next few days.
