At seven months old, Olivia weighs 18 lb 3 oz. She is comfortably into her 9-12 month clothes and wears size 4 shoes.
Shortly after she turned six months old, Olivia learned how to roll from her tummy to her back, over her left shoulder. About a week ago she learned how to roll over her right shoulder. Combine that with the fact that she is really good at spinning around in circles means that she is all over the place now. She also pulls herself up to her knees
all the time! If she gave it a little more effort she would be pulling herself up fully. Olivia also is on all fours all the time. She knows how to move her hands forward in a crawling motion, but doesn't quite know how to lift up her knees and pull them forward. It won't be long though! She can get quite grumpy when she's left on the floor to play because she is frustrated that she can't get to where she wants to go.
As a birthday present to me, Olivia started talking. Her voice is so cute! All she says is, "Dadadadada".
Also after she turned six months old, I stopped swaddling her for nap and bed times. She was getting really frustrating with spitting out her soother and then not being able to grab it because she was swaddled, so this has relieved most of that. She is really good at being able to find her soother and put it in her mouth. She likes to put it in sideways, hold it there, and chomp up and down. That and the fact that she likes to bite on toys and her fingers and is drooling a lot makes me think that she is going to be getting her first tooth sooner rather than later.

Olivia is still not a great drinker. She manages to drink 4.5 ounces each feed, but I would love to see that increased to 6. She has a strong dislike for any 'baby' food, unless it's some sort of fruit. She tolerates her rice cereal every morning, at best. My other kids all had rice cereal every morning for breakfast until they were at least a year, but I don't think I'll keep her on it beyond this package. She is very capable of eating whole Cheerios. Olivia LOVES yogurt and fruit. She typically has bread for lunch and eats whatever we are eating for dinner. She doesn't eat a large volume of food each meal, so we have a lot of work to do in that department.
Olivia loves her siblings. She loves Kayla, and Kayla loves that she can now carry Olivia around. Matthew pays the least amount of attention to her. Nathan still smothers Olivia, and she is still quite tolerant of it.
She also loves having a bath in the 'big kid' bath. She loves to sit and splash, and often tries to pull herself up on the edge. It's a full time job watching her in there!
Olivia knows what she wants. The other night I was walking down the stairs carrying Olivia and walked past the toy room. Big mistake. She freaked out! As soon as I walked back to the toy room and set her down she was happy as a clam. Stinker!