Thursday, February 16, 2017

Olivia is 18 Months Old!

And, just like that, she's a year and a half!  WHERE IS TIME GOING?!?!?!

Olivia weighs 25.6 lb is and 33.5" tall.  She comfortably wears size 2T clothes, size 6 shoes, and size 4 diapers.

Olivia is a very happy girl, most of the time.  She has recently discovered how to squeal with delight.  It's hilarious, but her squeal sounds like a fake/forced/high-pitched laugh.  It brings a smile to my face.  She loves to run, and is learning to jump.  She has also discovered that she can climb stairs without holding on to anything.  She won't do a full flight of stairs; she normally stops after five or so.  I don't mind if she does it while ascending the stairs, she just better not try to go hands-free while descending them!

When Olivia is not happy, she is likely asking for her soother.  That girl is so attached to that thing!  The others had it taken away from them at this same age, and I totally get why.  She's too smart!  If she doesn't have it, she knows where to find it, and if she can't find it, she knows how to ask for it!  It's such an easy solution to keep her quiet though, so I'm not sure when we'll take it away.  Same thing goes for her before-bed bottle.  She asks for if every single night, and it's really not a big deal to give it to her.

We noticed this month that Olivia is no longer bowlegged.  Unfortunately, she still has a funny outtie belly button. :)

She loves to play, "Put your hand up if..." with the older kids at the dinner table.  As soon as she hears them start, she puts her hand up.  If I don't put my hand up, she reaches over (with her food-covered hands) and pulls at my sleeve until I put my hand up.

She loves it when Jon or my Mom come home/over.  She runs to them as soon as she catches sight of them.  She also loves Auntie Candice (surprise, surprise!).

She knows the following body parts:
Belly Button

New Words:
Ha (Hat)
Mou (Mouth)

Olivia loves to be outside.  So much so that when you bring her inside before she wants to, she throws a huge tantrum.  I'm talking about the stereotypical "throw yourself on the ground and scream and cry" kind of tantrum.  

She has no fear when it comes to outdoor activities.  She will go down any slide, regardless of height, unassisted.  She LOVED sledding with us on the snowy days.  She even went down on the sled on her belly by herself over and over and over and over again.  She's always trying to keep up with her older siblings!

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