Sunday, June 18, 2017

Olivia is 22 Months Old!

Time with you is flying!  Each month I'm caught off-guard as the 9th passes and I realize that I've taken very few pictures of you, once again.  Luckily we have a lot of camping trips planned for the summer because it's easy for me to sit and watch you play and take pictures!

{One last rock in our rocking chair before it went to a new family.  Bitter sweet saying goodbye to it, that's for sure!}

You now weigh 27.2 lb.

You are at a very cute age.  You play great with your siblings, but you also play great by yourself.  You seldom need very much attention.  You are amazing at your wooden puzzles, completing them quickly each time.  I pulled out Nathan's first four-piece jigsaw puzzles and you're starting to get the hang of those.  You also do our colour-coded shape sorter with ease.  You love wrestling with your Dad!

At Grandma's house, you LOVE jumping on the trampoline.  You know how to do a bum-drop - now you just have to learn how to stand up at the end of it.  You scale the 6-foot rock reclined climbing wall and the 8-foot completely vertical climbing wall with ease.  The pool, although extremely cold, is always fun for you.  You always panic when you first get in because the coolness takes your breath away, but you love swimming so much you just push through it.  You love swings and slides.  I taught you how to swing on your tummy on a big-kid swing, so that I don't have to push you all the time.

You have started speaking in three-word phrases, such as "Where Daddy go?"  Your most frequently used words are: Mommy, Daddy, Kayla (Ee-da), hiding (hi-ing), no (mo), ju (juice), Riley (Ri-yee), Emma (Mumma).

Your favourite breakfasts are yogourt and a banana or banana muffins.  You are very patient at waiting for breakfast; you often don't get fed for the first hour you are up.

You are not a very big lunch eater.  If I can get half a slice of bread in you, I'm happy.

You are a great dinner eater.  You always finish all of your food, without complaint.  You love sausages.

This month we took away your final bottle feed, the before-bed bottle.  It was not intentional initially, but we came home late from my parents' and forgot to feed you a bottle in the rush to get everyone in bed and you did fine.  The next night, I skipped it again and you were fine.  You've asked for it a couple times, but a sippy cup of milk has worked instead.

Oddly enough, since you stopped having that before-bed bottle you've been sleeping better at night.  Yes, there are some nights where you wake up crying for me and then screamed when you realized that I'm not bringing you into our room, but overall, it's been much better.

You will not wear sandals.  You refuse.  So, crocs it is!

You are able to understand reasoning, which is very helpful.  "Olivia, if you don't stop crying (in your crib) then I'm going to take your baby away" is commonly heard if/when you wake up during the night.  "Olivia, finish your breakfast and then you can have a banana."

We've started praying with you at night.  You fold your hands when told to, but then hold them above your eyes and peak through, smiling as I recite your prayer.

 You LOVE babies.  Real or fake!  You are not particularly attached to any specific baby doll - it just can't have hair!

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