Thursday, July 13, 2017

Olivia is 23 Months Old!

Almost two years old!  AHHH!

Olivia seems to have grown up so much lately.  She is really starting to talk a lot.  She can string together three words easily, and is saying new words daily.  She learned how to say 'Matthew' this month, but still only says "hmm hmm" for Nathan.  She often can be heard saying, "Where Daddy go?"

Olivia loves to bike and always asks to where her "hem".  She has learned how to lift her feet off of the ground to coast, which is quite exciting and nerve wracking at the same time.  I videotaped her one of the first days after she had learned and she majorly bailed.  She cried, but was not hurt, and then I made her get back on her bike and go down the hill again.

Olivia is PETRIFIED of bugs.  If she sees a bug on her, she SCREAMS.  She also does not like to have grass cuttings or sand stuck to her legs or feet.

When we are camping, she just sleeps on the collapsed table (no play pen to pack anymore!) and naps just on a bed at my parents' house.  She naps in her crib at home most times; if she fights being in the crib for her nap then she sleeps on Nathan's bed.

She loves to sleep on her back, with her baby laying face-up on her chest, with the blanket on top of both of them.  We have started praying with her at night, and it's the cutest thing ever.  She folds her hands nicely and stares up at you with a huge smile on her face while her prayer is being recited, and then when it's time to say, "Amen," say says, "Umm."  Just before I leave the room she always asks me, "Mommy sleep too?"  And I always say, "no," and then she says, "Mommy clean up?" and I say, "Yes."  It started during camping when I told her I would lay down beside her after I cleaned up all the toys and towels outside, and has just carried over to at home now.

She has no fear at playgrounds, successfully climbing many walls/obstacles designed for older children.  She definitely prevents me from sitting around too much when we are at a playground.

Olivia still loves to eat fruit.  Her favourites are strawberries, blueberries, grapes, oranges, and bananas.  If I give her watermelon, she likes to chew on the rind rather than eat the fruit itself.  She loves juice.

She LOVES swimming.  That girl is a fish!  She has no problem jumping in and going under.  She loves wearing her puddle jumper, and even likes to do back floats when wearing it.  Sometimes her legs are straight out of the water, which is cute.

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