Thursday, August 10, 2017

Nathan is 3 3/4 Years Old!

Almost a month late, but better now then never, right?

Nathan continues to grow up at a rapid pace: physically, spiritually, and academically.  He is quickly catching up to Matthew...he is only an inch or two shorter, and one pound less.  We've been having quite a few discussions as of late with both him and Matthew about how God makes people of all different sizes.  For now, Matthew is very proud that Nathan is catching up.

Nathan loves to talk about God/Jesus/Satan.  He often talks about Jesus dying on the cross and about Heaven.  He likes discussing who gets to go to Heaven and what it will be like.  ("Mom, guess who put Jesus on a cross?  God did.  That means when we die we go to Heaven and not with Satan").  He asked Jon to read him the second last story in the Bible and then he came to tell me that it was about the new world.  It will be interesting to see where his love for Jesus takes him.

Nathan is still a sponge.  He absorbs whatever he hears, mostly from Matthew and Kayla.  He recognizes and names all of his letters and he knows how to spell each of their names.  He can print a lot of his upper case letters, and the others he can do with a little verbal direction (ex. R is "straight line, little loop, leg).

He loves playing with Barbies.  He still enjoys dressing up as a princess, but since we acquired a few more superhero ones the princess costumes have not been worn as frequently.  He loves doing puzzles and has really gotten good at drawing and colouring in the lines.

Nathan enjoyed the free soccer sessions he participated in this summer, so we have him signed up to play soccer in the fall/spring.

He is not shy!  He doesn't care if you are an adult or a kid older than him, he'll still talk to you or ask you a question.  We had walked past a construction site a few months ago and Nathan asked me what they were doing.  I didn't know, so I told him to ask the workers.  A few seconds later he put his hands around his mouth and shouted, "Hey guys!  What are you doing?"  He'll also be the first of my kids to talk to kids at the playground.

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