Wednesday, February 16, 2011

33 Weeks + Dr.'s Appointment #9 + Ultrasound #7 Results + Fetal Monitoring #1

So, this is pretty late...I'm practically 34 weeks now, but I was waiting to get my ultrasound results back and have Jon upload some pictures before I posted.

Here goes...

Things continue to go well, which is great! I'm still working and still coaching, which I'm very happy about. Last Monday (the 7th), I was starting to feel really cramping at night and my braxton hicks contractions were coming pretty frequently so I went to bed right away, at about 8pm. I took the next two days off of work, until my next doctor's appointment. By then, things were back to normal. Phew! We were a little worried. Dr. Huckell figured it was because 1) I had had a busy day on Monday and 2) my uterus is 'full-term', but it doesn't realize that it can't deliver yet because there are twins. Since then, I've slowed down quite a bit. I have so many sick/personal/vacation days banked at work that I don't have to be working for financial I'm definitely putting the babies (and myself) first. Starting this week, I'm only working about 20 hours a week, and am taking Wednesdays off. Jon has been really understanding and is the first to tell me to stay in bed longer in the mornings and to take the day off.

Speaking of Jon, he has been putting in super-long days at Fleetwood Park (usually staying until about 9pm) so that he can be as far ahead as possible in preparations before the babies arrive.

I went for my first Fetal Monitoring appointment today. The babies weren't overly cooperative, but the nurse (who had kids at FVC when my younger siblings were there) finally managed to get enough data on them. I have to start monitoring their movements daily myself, timing how long it takes for me to feel 6 movements from each baby. If I don't feel 6 in two hours, then I have to call the hospital. I also have to go for a fetal monitoring appointment every Wednesday now.

The babies' movements have really changed the past few weeks - they are less 'kick-like' and more 'movement-like'. I can tell they are getting really squished in there because it's getting really easy to tell what part of the body I'm feeling, whether it be a foot, or a butt, or the head. Hiccups are also a daily occurrence, at least for the boy. He has less room to move his head, so every little 'jump' is easily felt. The girl likes to stick her butt between my hip and ribs on my right side, so often you can see a bulge sticking out.

Here are the results from my ultrasound on February 7th:
Heart Rate137141
Est. Fetal Weight2064 g (4.55 lbs)2088 g (4.59 lbs)


Head Circ.310 mm299 mm
BPD86 mm82 mm
Abdominal Circ.275 mm283 mm
Femur59 mm62 mm
Gestational Age32 weeks + 1 day32 weeks + 0 days

Looks like Baby A (Boy) has a Vander Ende head and Struik legs. haha. Although, we are talking about measurements in they're VERY close!

Sleeping has continued to be pretty easy for me. I've added an additional pillow under my head (so now I sleep with two), but that's only because it raises my head higher which helps with my nasal stuffiness at night, and gives me more air as Jon's fan (on the other side of Jon) is the only one we're using right now. I get about about three times each night to go pee, which is the result of 1) drinking a lot of water before bed and then after each time I get up, and 2) a squished bladder. Most of the time I'm able to fall asleep again right away, thank goodness! Jon has yet to wake up yet when I'm getting up, which makes him pretty confident that he'll "conveniently" sleep through each time the babies wake up crying during the night. We'll see about that :)

I'm waiting for Jon to come home from Fleetwood Park (it's 9:48pm...he must be coming home soon!) so that I can post a couple pictures. I think I'll just add them in the morning, so make sure you check back. I'm going to post this and then help myself to a warmed brownie topped with vanilla ice cream, and chocolate and caramel syrup. YUM. I'm going to miss not eating extra calories! Have a good night!

As are the pictures taken at 33 weeks (last week)...wearing one of the few 'nicer' shirts that kinda fit...and now looking at the pictures you can tell it is being stretched!


  1. Wow, you are doing awesome Laura! Way to go momma! The babies weights are nice too. I can't wait to see a picture of your tummy!

  2. I love reading your posts. How exciting that you and the babies are doing so well. Like Jenn said, the weight of the babies are great. I am glad to see that you can use so many sick days to rest. I can't wait to see the pictures of the latest ultrasound. May God continue to bless you with good health while you are awaiting the birth.
    Sounds like Jon is really busy. I hope you are enjoying your praticum Jon.

  3. You look great Laura! I bet from the back you can't even tell that you're pregnant :) Hope the next few weeks go well for you. Can't wait to meet your little ones!

  4. Wow, Laura, you are looking big. Its so great you are feeling so good and taking care of yourself and resting whenever you need to.
