Saturday, April 30, 2011

Matthew & Kayla's Baptism (April 10)

Matthew and Kayla's baptism was supposed to be performed by Pastor (Uncle) Tom; however, we received a phone call during the evening on the Saturday before from our council chair saying that Pastor Tom had an ear infection and would not be able to preach/do the baptism, so did we want to reschedule? We decided to go ahead with the baptism Pastor Slofstra did it.

Our family is probably one of very few families that can say that there are four generations worshiping in the same congregation:
Matthew & Kayla - Jon & myself - Our parents - Our grandparents


  1. Beautiful pictures. What a blessing to have a picture of 4 generations and all worship in the same church.

  2. Nice keepsake pictures of their baptism. That didn't happen often a few years ago.
