Monday, April 11, 2011

Five Minutes in the Life of Kayla

*There are two other new posts below this one - don't miss them!*

Kayla is definitely more active (high-strung? feisty?) than Matthew. Matthew is often very content to just lay on the couch, or in your arms, or in his bassinet...but Kayla, well, Kayla likes to move. She likes to throw up her arms and kick out her legs, especially if she wants something...

As told by Matthew:

Here we are, laying nicely together in our bassinet...

Kayla started to get wild, and she punched me in the face...

I was a big boy, and didn't cry. Then Kayla started to get hungry. She started to look for something to suck on...

It just so happened that my head was right by her mouth...and so she started to suck my head...

Luckily Mommy was watching and so she saved me from Kayla and fed her...
If Kayla continues to pick on me when we're bigger then I'm going to start crying more...but for now, I'll just take the abuse. Not for long though!


  1. It's so nice to see pictures of them. Good job on your blogs. Sounds like Kayla is a little monkey. So cute.

  2. I like your play by play story of Kayla picking on her brother. You are quite the story teller. Very cute pictures.
