Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Frozen Embryo Transfer #1 = Fail

So I saw the results on myehealth at 2:10pm...and my beta is 4...which means I am 100% not pregnant.  It sucks, but oh well...the chances weren't very high of it working anyways.  BOOO.  The nurse from Genesis called at 3pm to be the "bearer of bad news".  She was very good at it, but I already knew so she didn't have to be as sympathetic.

So where do we go from here?  I stop all my current medications ASAP.  She told me to expect my period in the next couple days and that it will be heavier than usual (which I'm assuming is because my lining is thicker than a non-medicated cycle).  Typically, I could start my next frozen embryo transfer as soon as I get my period, but, because of their two-week Christmas closure, I have to wait until my next cycle, so in January some time.  Day 5 embryo, we're coming for you!  You BETTER survive the thaw!


  1. :,(. So sad for you guys. I pray the next little one will survive. I was so excited for you guys to be doing this again. This just sucks. Thinking of you.

  2. Oh that just sucks. We hope and pray that the next one works for you guys!
