Thursday, December 27, 2012

21 Months

- Clothing Size:  18 months, but is definitely growing out of them
- Pampers Size:  3
- Teeth:  16
- New word(s): "ba" for ball
- Savours his advent calendar chocolate every morning...he takes little nibbles at it
- All of a sudden figured out how to match up the colours/shapes in the shape sorter ball without assistance
- Has a HUGE obsession with the telephone.  When it rings, he runs and points to it.  When you're on it, he watches you.  When you're done, you HAVE to hang it up again or he endlessly points to the base saying "egh, egh, egh"

- Clothing Size:  2T (but still can wear 18 & 24 month clothes)
- Pampers Size:  3
- Teeth:  12
- New word(s): "Boo" for Blue
- Eats her advent calendar chocolate in one bite.
- All of a sudden figured out how to match up the colours/shapes in the shape sorter ball without assistance
- LOVES sorting mega/wood blocks by colour.  She'll select a colour and then will build a tower with just that colour
- LOVES wrestling/being tossed around by Jon.  I know she definitely missed it while we were in Ontario because she kept trying to wrestle with me, but I'm just not as strong so it wasn't near as fun for her.  That's her and Jon's "thing".
- Loves wearing my shoes.  She's discovered that I have a shoe rack in my bedroom closet and will pull out a few pairs of shoes and will walk around in them.
- Plugged my parents' toilet 3 times in a matter of a couple weeks due to the size of her poos.  Speaking of which, we went to a pediatrician (Dr. Ng) who has recommended that we switch to a different laxative and really focus on her diet.  The doctor did seem more concerned over Kayla's speech (or lack thereof during the appointment) than the constipation.  For the record, I'm not concerned about her 'slowness' at all.  Myself and all of my siblings were 'slow', and Kayla definitely demonstrates that she understands us so I'm sure she's just like me.
- Loves wearing Candice's old doll carrier "snugly".  She cuddles the baby against her as if it were a real baby.
- Says "Byyyyyye" if Matthew is in 'her space' when she doesn't want him there.  This is also usually accompanied with trying to pry his fingers off whatever he's touching of hers and/or pushing him away.  Matthew gets so upset.

Our typical daily schedule:
8:00am Wake-up and have breakfast (cold cereal)
8:30am Bath-time
10:00am Snack time
12:00pm Lunch time (at the picnic table (inside for the winter)).  They just chose to sit there one day so that's what we always do now.
1:00/1:30pm Nap time (usually about 1.25-1.5 hours)
3:00pm Wake-up and have snack
5:00pm Dinner time
6:30pm Head to my parents
7:45pm Back home for a bottle (7oz), brush teeth, and book.
8:00pm Bed time

1 comment:

  1. Oh my!! Doctors drive me crazy!! Yes, definitely don't be worried about a "lack" of speech. Makenna barely said two words to anyone up until the last six months or so. Now you can't get her to stop :) The speech therapist at Children's Hospital told us that at 18 months all she really expects is for them to demonstrate that they can point to most body parts and that they say a few words.

