Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Little Bit of Everything...

I took the kids to the mall today to run some errands.  We had spent the last three days at home all day, and so we needed to get out and do something.  I had a couple of returns to do, and wanted to get them all weighed at the health unit and so off we went.  I only took the single stroller with me, as I assumed that Matthew and Kayla would want to run/walk in the mall.  I was wrong.  Kayla ended up sitting on the 'tip' of the stroller (the footrest over the front tire), and I piggy-backed Matthew while pushing the stroller.  Super Mom!  Luckily Matthew doesn't weigh a whole lot!  Anyways, we did a return at Wal-Mart and then went to use the elevator to go up to Old Navy.  Unfortunately, the elevator was out of order.  Rather than scouring the mall for another one, I thought Matthew and Kayla could come up the escalator with me.  They've done it a few times, and so I figured I could hold the stroller on the escalator with them standing nicely beside me.  In my head, I was Super Mom again.  I was wrong.  I got on fine, as did Kayla.  Unfortunately, Matthew must have lost his balance stepping on because he stumbled and then grabbed the wall/edge for support.  He didn't realize that that wall doesn't move with the escalator, which caused him to fall down a few steps on his back.  I tried to reach for him quickly, but I couldn't hold the stroller in place and grab him.  Luckily, a young lady (early 20s?) saw me struggling and heard Matthew crying/screaming and ran up the escalator to rescue him.  BIG PARENTING FAIL.  I know they can do the escalator, I just should have talked them through it first.  Luckily, no one was injured.  Thank you to the kind stranger!

While we were in the parking lot, climbing into the car to go home, a truck was backing up into the stall a few stalls over from us.  Kayla exclaimed that he couldn't turn the other way otherwise he would crash and "Jesus would be angry!"

On our drive home, we were all sitting silently in the car.  Out of the blue, Kayla pipes up, "You know what, Mom?!?!?  Daddy sleeps in just his underwear.  Else he might pee in bed."  So completely random.  We talked about the clothing we sleep in (pajamas for them, underwear for Jon), and I realized that she thinks underwear holds our pee in our bodies.  Jon might have to give her a lesson in anatomy.

Speaking of teaching....(this is the last point, I promise)...I am so frustrated with the teacher strike right now.  Not only is Jon receiving a 10% wage cut on the days he does work, but on the days when they're striking, he doesn't get paid at all!  I was assuming because he was salary that he was only affected by the 10% wage cut.  Boy, was I wrong.  The government and the BCTF need to get things figured out soon.  Thank goodness for my maternity leave pay!  And for the greenhouses, for that matter.  Every day that Jon is (supposed to be) striking he goes to work for the greenhouses.  The bills have to get paid somehow!

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