Thursday, June 12, 2014

Things Kids Say

Matthew and Kayla have started to use the word "stupid" on occasion, and always in the right context, but never about each other.  They've definitely learned this word from myself and my Mom as we use it should I be getting mad?  LOL.  For example, Matthew was experiencing constipation for the first time, and so while he was sitting on the toilet pushing as hard as he could, with tears welling up in his eyes, he said, "This poo is stupid."

While I was sitting outside in the backyard with Matthew, Kayla, and Nathan, Kayla started to rip the grass out and said, "Daddy says I'm not allowed to rip out the grass.  Daddy at work now though so Daddy can't say it."  I had to hide my laughter and actually explain to her that rules are rules no matter what.

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