Friday, July 11, 2014


The last words I wanted to hear from Kayla while I frantically am trying to prepare a new recipe for dinner (in our hot house) - "Mom! Nathan pooed on the floor!" I look over at Nathan sitting in the kitchen beside me and see him in a pile of poo. I told Kayla that it was a good thing she noticed. "Ya, because you weren't watching him." Touche.


We let Matthew and Kayla stay up later tonight, because they were playing so nicely in the sandbox at their bedtime.  Bad idea.  They did NOT want to stop talking once they were finally in bed.  After a warning, we removed all the 'extra' stuffed animals they were allowed to sleep with.  They weren't really happy about it, but kept talking.  After another warning, we removed all of the stuffed animals and the baby they always sleep with.  Kayla understood why, and didn't fight it.  "Maybe next time we can sleep with them," she said, and laid down to try to sleep.  Matthew, on the other hand, was VERY upset.  After crying/yelling for me for a few minutes (I was standing at the top of the stairs to make sure he didn't try to get out of his room), I heard the following:

Matthew (screaming/crying):  Mom!  Mom!  Mom!

*Helicopter flies by*.

Matthew to Kayla:  That noisy helicopter just woke up me.  I was sleeping and I woke up.  You know why I can’t sleep?  All the cars and airplanes are coming this way.

Matthew (screaming/crying):  Mom!  Mom!  Mom!

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