Monday, September 29, 2014

Matthew's Eye Doctor Appointment & Swimming Lessons

Matthew had his 3-month follow-up appointment this past week and it went really well (despite the office being over an hour behind schedule and thus Nathan missing his morning nap!).  Matthew's vision has completely improved, and they feel that his eye doesn't drift as much because his far-sightedness has decreased (so his eye isn't having to overcompensate).  He still has to go back in three months because they want to keep a careful watch on it...but it's good news so far!

On a completely unrelated note...
Matthew and Kayla just completed their first set of swimming lessons.  I wasn't even sure when I would start them, but my decision to return to work for 20 hours has allowed for us to afford swimming lessons.  They successfully completed Preschool 1.  It's amazing how much more confident they are in the water now.  When they started four weeks ago they were even super cautious to walk in the water without their puddle jumpers (their instructor practically had to pull Matthew along).  Now, they are jumping up and down in neck-deep water, doing assisted front and back floats, blowing bubbles, and putting their whole face in the water (Kayla barely so).  I may have helped Matthew learn how to blow bubbles underwater for 3 seconds by submerging my face in their bathtub water...the things we do as parents!  I've enrolled them in Preschool 2 already (starting tomorrow) as I figured I'll get one more session in before I succumb to the craziness of working part-time (although the last week of lessons is my first week of work).  Nathan does quite well watching Matthew and Kayla in the pool - he just sits in the stroller with my Mom and eats apple-cinnamon Cheerios.

1 comment:

  1. love that they are in swimming lessons! and that pic is too cute!
