Friday, September 12, 2014

Penticton 2014

Candice - just for you!  I think you just wanted to see the pictures because you knew you were in a TON and I was only in one.  But then...maybe that's an accurate representation of the time spent with Matthew, Kayla, and Nathan in a TON, me none.  :)

Without further from our week at Wright's Beach Camp (with my parents and siblings):

(Everyone knows that the way to a child's heart is by buying them candy from the candy store...)

(Looking at a catalogue with MASSIVE playgrounds)

(Who needs a playpen to contain a child?  Nathan's lack of ability in the crawling department kept him nicely confined in an empty pool).

(This lovely creature - a bat - flew into my parents trailer one windy day.  Thank goodness Luke was brave enough to pick it up.)

(The one and only picture I'm in.  Sigh.  And it's not even that good.  Who likes pictures of themselves in a bathing suit?  Not me).

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of Nathan scooting on his bum, making a pathway. And Matthew and Kayla holdings hands. How cute!
