Monday, October 26, 2015

Kayla's Negativity/Criticism Towards Me

Kayla's latest 'thing' is to criticize me.  She likes to criticize my 1) mood, 2) hair style, and 3) clothing.

1.  Mood
If she's in a bad mood, I call her "Grumpy Gills" (I have no idea where that came from!).  Anyways, she hates it.  She's started telling me that I'm Grumpy Gills, or that I'm "being bad today" or that I'm "not nice."

2.  Hair Style
As Kayla was watching me do my hair this morning, she said, "Mom, you always do your hair the same way, down or in a pony."  I told her that's because I didn't know what to do with my hair ever, to which she replied, "You should wear it in a braid."  So I did.

3.  Clothing
Also this morning (I know, a lot of criticism to take in a matter of 10 minutes!), she said to me, "Mom, you always wear the same thing.  I think you don't wash your clothes, you only wash ours."

I think she might be the one to nominate me for "What Not to Wear."  (Which I would definitely be a prime candidate for!)

1 comment:

  1. "you should wear it in a braid" - that is SO adorable that she is giving you hair suggestions!!!! love it :)
