Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Nathan is TWO!

 At two years old Nathan is exactly three feet tall and weighs 31.8 pounds.  He is wearing size 3T shirts, size 2T pants, size 8 shoes and size 4 diapers.

It's weird that Nathan is just turning two, because it feels like he has been two for a while now.  To me, he seems wise beyond his (now two) years.

Nathan, you are a very independent child.  You very-capably do most things yourself:
- You feed yourself every meal, and very seldom ask for help.  You are also quite a neat eater.
- You have graduated from sippy cups and now drink out of a normal cup.
- You put your own runners on, even though this results in the tongue getting pushed down and squished near your toes.  Sorry that you're wearing Matthew's cheap hand-me-down runners.  I'm sure it will only be a matter of a month or two before you have to move up a size.
- You have discovered the garage door opener and help yourself to opening the garage so that you can have access to the outdoor toys when you feel like going outside, which you do on your own if I leave the door unlocked.
- You have discovered how to turn on the bathroom tap, so you can often be found brushing your teeth, washing your hands, or washing your crocs if they are sandy from being in the sandbox.
- If you feel like colouring, you help yourself to paper and crayons and seat yourself at the kitchen table to create an artwork of scribbles.
- If you're thirsty, you help yourself to your water bottle in the fridge.
- If you're hungry, you help yourself to an apple from the fridge.  I put a stop to this because you need to ask for permission first.
- If you want a bubble bath, you grab the bubble bath out of the cupboard and bring it to me.
- Older/Other kids don't intimidate you.  You're not scared to join in with whatever they're playing/doing, even when/if they're bigger than you.  You often can be found joining the "big kids" (Matthew, Kayla, Remy, and Carly) in a group-hug.

This past month has been huge for you, in terms of speech development.  You easily say three-word sentences, and the occasional four-word sentence.  You willingly repeat words, and are learning new words and expressions all the time.  I love it when you say, "Oh man", when something hasn't worked out the way you intended it to.  You can say everyone's name: Mat-yew (Matthew), Dee-ya (Kayla), Ya or O-ya (Olivia).  You still talk about Auntie Tan-dis (Candice) and Mand-ma (Grandma) all the time.

You don't like to take a bath by yourself.  The few times you have, you won't sit down in the water.  I think you're so used to bathing with both Matthew and Kayla at the same time that you don't know what to do when you're in there by yourself.

You LOVE helping me prepare breakfast/lunch/dinner.  If you see that I'm doing anything in the kitchen that involves food, you ask to be lifted up so that you can sit on the counter.  You love it when I'm chopping veggies because you know you get to eat them off of my cutting board.

You like to help set the table, and know exactly which plates go to which person (Matthew is always blue or green, Kayla is always pink or purple, and Nathan is always orange or yellow).

You often call Jon, "Jon" rather than "Dad".

The past few mornings you've gotten out of bed after 7am, but rather than coming to our bedroom full of energy, you climb up on the bed, find where I'm sleeping, lay down (on top of the covers) between my sprawled legs, use my pelvis as a pillow, and fall asleep.  It's so strange.  Luckily it's not uncomfortable for me so I can just fall asleep again.

This past week you've acquired a room-mate in your bedroom, Olivia.  You were quite concerned the first morning when you came to my room and Olivia wasn't in the bassinette!  The transition has been great!  Even when she's crying in the middle or the night or I'm feeding her in your bedroom, you don't wake up.

You love to wrestle/play rough.  If Jon's not home after dinner, I can tell that he needs to release his rough-housing energy because that's when he starts trying to tackle me.

In addition to your wonderful qualities, you possess some that are not-so-nice...some that are quite typical for a two-year-old.  If you're in "a mood", you can be a pain in the butt :).  It's when you're in those moods that you try to do everything possible to annoy Matthew and Kayla.  It's in those moods that you think it's funny to see how many games/puzzles you can dump onto the floor upstairs before I notice (I think it was eight the other day).  And, it's in those moods that you think it's funny to keep coming out of your bedroom during nap/bed time before I notice and put you in the playpen as as time-out.

You are getting really good at your balance bike.  You're not scared to go fast, nor are you scared to lift your feet off the ground so that you can balance while biking.  Even when you fall you get right back on again.

You've also mastered how to do wooden puzzles.  You can easily tell which piece goes where, and know exactly how to turn pieces around to make them fit in.

All-in-all though, you're a fantastic kid.  I often find myself shaking me head (in a good way) after you've done/said something new, and saying, "Only Nathan".  I love that you fit in so well with Matthew and Kayla because you never are jealous of the attention that I give Olivia.  You (seem to) never feel left out...but maybe that's because you just force others to include you :).  I really look forward to this next year, and seeing you mature even more.

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