Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Olivia is 8 Months Old!

At eight months old, Olivia weighs 19 lb 8 oz and is 28.75" tall.  She comfortably is wearing her 9-12 month clothes.

{Helping Daddy put the baby gate up!}

This has been a huge month for Olivia.  Not only did she learn how to pull herself up on furniture and crawl, but she has also learned how to drop herself down from furniture, climb up stairs, and cruise around furniture (moving to her right, only).  She is always on the move!  She's pretty quick and crawling, and can climb up half a flight of stairs even before you realize that she's on them.  She LOVES to walk around with anyone who is willing to walk with her, holding her hands.  Each week her confidence and balance gets better!  Give it a week or two and she'll be walking with the assistance of only one hand.  My prediction is that she will be independently walking before 11 months.  Eek.  The sooner she walks though, the less damage to her legs.  If we're outside where there is pavement, I try to make sure that she is wearing long pants otherwise her knees and shins get all scraped up.

Because of her increased mobility, we've unofficially changed her name to "Trouble".  Walk into our house at any given moment and you will hear someone saying, "Watch out, here comes Trouble!"

Olivia loves her siblings.  Nathan and Kayla spend the most time with her - Nathan will bring her toys and Kayla will carry her around.  They all love to call Olivia to them and encourage her to come by holding a toy out in front of her.

Olivia loves any sort of 'rattle' toy.  Every time she picks up a toy she shakes it to see if it rattles.  She also loves balloons.

When she wants a bottle, she puts one finger in her mouth and bites on it.

Olivia's hair is now long enough to fit into one or two ponies, and it's SO cute!  She's starting to look less like a boy now that her hair can be styled.

Olivia loves the bath.  When she crawls upstairs, the first thing she does is crawl to the bathroom and stand by the bathtub.  I still bathe her every morning in the baby bath in kitchen sink out of convenience, but if we have time to kill after dinner then I will give her a bath upstairs in the regular tub.

She has really started to babble, saying "Dadadadadadadada."

Olivia's schedule:
I've been working on dropping Olivia down to two naps, which I'm successful at doing 90% of the time.  I've also been working on cutting out the number of bottles that Olivia gets, by pushing her to finish 6oz each feed.  In the morning she struggles to finish all six, so just before she goes down for her first nap I always offer her whatever she didn't finish).  On a typical day, this is her schedule:
7:00am  Wake Up
7:45am  Breakfast (1/4 slice of bread with peanut butter and jam, and some banana)
8:45am  Bottle (4oz)
9:45am  Bottle (2oz)
10:00am  Nap
11:00am  Wake Up
12:00pm   Lunch (1/4 slice of bread with cheese, 1/4 jar of baby food fruit)
1:00pm  Bottle (6oz)
1:30pm  Nap
2:45pm  Wake Up
3:00pm  Snack (Graduates or Cheerios or Yogurt)
5:00pm  Dinner (whatever we are having)
6:00pm  Bottle (4oz)
7:45pm  Bottle (6oz)
8:00pm  Bed
3:00am  Bottle (3oz)

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