Ya, you read that right...we're having twins! CRAZY.
It hasn't even really sunk in yet.
Two of everything.
We had to wait quite a while for the doctor to come to do the ultrasound, and so I was getting nervous.
Finally, he came. We started the ultrasound (an internal one) and I saw the first baby instantly. Dr. Hitkari commented that my one ovary is still massive (I suspect about 4 cm in diameter?) while looking at my uterus from different angles. An then he said, "Just as I suspected...you guys are going to be busy." The first thought that popped into my mind was "HOW busy? Is it triplets?"...and then he confirmed that it was twins. Both Baby A and Baby B were measured to be 10mm long which was exactly where they need to be. We also saw both of their heart beats flashing on the screen, which was cool. When we went to listen to the heart beats you could faintly hear Baby A's, but Baby B's was clear as day, measuring 128 beats per minute.
Here are the pictures we got:

Because we're still quite early in the pregnancy (according to my calculations we're 6 weeks 5 days but the doctor said he has put us at 7 weeks...I'll take the extra two days!), we asked what the chance of miscarrying both babies is. Dr. Hitkari said that for all women, the chance of losing both is 10%, but because we're both young and healthy he said it would be less than 5% for us. That's good news...that means I can start to get excited (and scared?).
We have another ultrasound booked for August 24th so that both heart rates can be measured, and then I would suspect that we would be done with Genesis and would be sent back to our own family doctor.
Week 6 Symptoms
HUNGRY? YES. I'm ALWAYS hungry. If I don't eat every two hours I feel like I'm going to throw up. I'm also starting to dislike eating; it's becoming a chore. And I used to LOVE food.
CRAVINGS? Umm...a little...Salty Food. Give me a pepperoni pizza, some bacon, and some McDonald fries any day. Have I had much of that? No...just bacon once and pizza once. I'm trying to be healthy!
POOR SLEEPS AT NIGHT? YES. Every night, without fail, I wake up at least once. And not even because I have to pee...although I do just so that I can fall asleep quicker again. If it's early in the night then I try to eat a little to make my morning a little easier.
MORNING SICKNESS? Umm...some mornings. It depends on how full my stomach is just before I go to bed and during the night...and it depends on how tired I am. The fewer the hours of sleep I get, the more nauseous I feel during the day.
WEIGHT GAIN? Yes. Sigh. And it's purely because of eating lol. Can't blame it on no babies yet (but the hunger is because of them!)! I can barely close the button of my jeans, so most of the time I just use an elastic through the button hole.
I think that's it. Oh...as promised a few weeks ago I added a picture of the embryos on the day of transfer. Take a look below (WAY below...under the original entry called "Embryo Transfer"! They've come so far already!
Jon and I leave to spend a week in Penticton with my family on Saturday, so there won't be an update for a while. This is my last vacation wearing a bikini!
Twins. Crazy.
Oh - I didn't get an official due date from the doctor, but it will be at the very end of March. Even sooner because it's twins. And Jon is in school full-time...from this September until NEXT August. Oh man. Single-parenting here I come! Thank goodness for family that lives right next door!
And one more thing (sorry this is SO all over the place!)...we aren't telling people yet, so please keep all of this to yourselves for now. I would like another week or two under our belts before we start telling those that don't know yet. I will let you all know when you have the 'okay'. Thank you!