Sunday, May 8, 2011

Cribs, Milk, and Mother's Day

Matthew and Kayla started sleeping in separate cribs last night. Jon and I did this because 1) they are getting taller and no longer fit as nice side-by-side in one crib. If they fully extend their bodies their heads and feet touch the edges, and 2) Matthew has a flat spot on the back left-side of his head, which we figure is from him always choosing to lay on his back, looking to the left. By placing him in his own crib, we're hoping the he'll start looking to the right more (the wall is on the left, the centre of their bedroom is on the right). Matthew and Kayla have a doctor's appointment on the 19th so we'll see what our doctor has to say about his head. We're hoping it's not considered a severe case (severe cases often require helmets to be worn 23 hours a day). We're also now focusing on making sure he doesn't spend too much time sitting in a bouncy chair or laying on his back...and giving him tummy time instead.

It was actually quite cute seeing them laying in their own crib. Kayla is now able to move a lot more, which allows her to throw off her blanket quite quickly. Every time I was up during the night I had to lay it back on her.

Speaking of getting up during the night...Matthew and Kayla are doing really well! Matthew went from 9:15pm to 3:00am and Kayla went from 10:00pm to 5:15am! Yahoo! Pretty soon I won't even have to get up during the night!

Pumping is going really well still. I've even cut back on the number of times I pump a day because I'm getting so much. I started out by pumping every two to three hours, and then quickly changed that to every three to four hours. Now I'm going every five hours and I'm still pumping more than I need. They are drinking about 4-5 ounces every feed (every three hours during the day)...but I can pump between 12 and 15 ounces every five hours. I've been freezing my extra milk so that they'll still have my breast milk for a few weeks/months after they've been weaned. At this rate, my freezer will be full!

Mother's Day:
Today was my very first (of many!) Mother's Day. I keep thinking over and over how blessed I am. Mother's Day last year was a difficult day for me because it only served to remind me how I wasn't a mother, and who knew if I ever would be. This time, I can happily say that I am! God is good.

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