Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Two Months Old!

I've been slow at making this entry, I know. Every time I sit at the computer I do everything else BUT write this. This morning I've finally forced myself to do it, so here goes...

Matthew and Kayla are two months old! Already! Time sure has gone by quick!

I've taken the following list of "what your baby may be doing" milestones from my "What to Expect The First Year Book". Matthew and Kayla can:
  • Smile in response to our smile, and smile spontaneously.
  • Respond to noises
  • Vocalize in ways other than crying. They both have started 'talking' to us when they're in a really good mood.
  • Lift their head 45 degrees when on stomach. I would say only Matthew can really do this, and only when he's in the mood to.
  • Hold their head steady when upright....sometimes. Matthew is better at this than Kayla. I would say he does it about 75% of the time. If he's not tired, then he will do it. Kayla does it about 25% of the time.
  • Bear some weight on their legs when held upright. Definitely have mastered this! Matthew is amazing at squatting and then standing, squatting and then standing. We're just waiting for his neck to be a little stronger before we put him in the jolly jumper. Kayla has starting bearing weight on her legs. She's really good at it when she's angry :)
They had their two-month immunizations on May 19th. Three shots in their thighs! You could tell when the first needle went in that they were in pain - their cry was so sad! They were troopers and calmed down as soon as they were given their bottle. Their first non-breast milk taste was the infant's's white grape flavoured. Matthew weighed 11 lbs 4 oz and Kayla weighed 11 lbs.

They are drinking 4 or 5 ounces about 6 or 7 times a day. They can sleep in 6 hours stretches at night, and usually do so.

Random Pictures:
Matthew and Kayla in their stroller for the very first time! We walked down to the greenhouses to visit Jon (he worked a couple days during his week off).

Oma came by for a visit. I was napping in my room so I had no idea she had even been here!

Trying to get a picture of them smiling is so difficult! It's hard enough trying to catch one smile on camera, but to make them both smile at the same time...nearly impossible!

Watching the hockey game with Uncle Jason...Jon's jealous that Matthew has Canucks clothing and he doesn't. :)

Hanging out with the Aunties.

I've been meaning to get Matthew and Kayla's footprints on paper for weeks now, and so when Courtney and my mom were over on Wednesday afternoon I jumped at the chance.

The almost-final product. Matthew's feet are in blue, Kayla's are in yellow. I still want to write their names and the date on it.

I've been really tired this past week, so yesterday Jon had my mom come over to get Matthew and Kayla ready in the morning, and this morning he got up with them so that I could have two days in a row to sleep in. Much appreciated! When I got up at 9:30am, this is what I saw:

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