Friday, May 13, 2011

A Little Bit of Everything

*This blog was started in the morning and finished in the keep that in mind as you read it.*

I was laying in bed last night (waiting to hear if Kayla was going to spit out her soother and then cry) wishing I had a laptop right by me so that I could have done this entry then. My thoughts were completely in blog-speak.

Matthew is still sleeping in bed, and Kayla is behind me in her swing making high-pitched grunting noises. The (somewhat) quiet is nice. It's a nice change from the crying I have to deal with when they're being fussy.

Ever since Matthew and Kayla were born, we (my family and I) have been slowly introducing them to Lacey (my family's dog). Every week we gain more and more trust in Lacey. This week, we've started laying Matthew and Kayla against her, or sitting them on her back.

Everything was going fine until Candice, who was taking the above picture, decided to call Lacey's name so that Lacey would look at the camera. Lacey interpreted this as "come here", and quickly jumped to her feet, sending Matthew and Kayla rolling to the floor. Luckily, Lacey's paws missed trampling them.

Matthew has definitely become a smiley boy; it doesn't take near as much effort to get smiles from him as it used to.

It still takes a lot of work to get them from Kayla...

...but still do-able:

My mom and I measured Matthew and Kayla yesterday (the best we could).

Kayla is 23.25" tall, and Matthew is 22.75" tall. That would explain why Kayla's toes are starting to push at the feet of her 3 month sleepers, and Matthew's aren't yet. It would also explain why Matthew's thighs are a big larger, despite being only one ounce heavier.

Power Outage:
I've started pumping every 4-5 hours rather than every 3 because my milk supply is pretty established. This has been going great...until today. I pumped at 9:45 this morning (that's when I started this entry), and then planned to pump again at 4:30ish and then right before bed (I know, longer than 4-5 hours but that's the way it was going to work). Around 3:00 I noticed that the power was out. By 4:00 the power had not yet returned and I started to get a bit worried. How do you pump with an electric breast pump without any power? My parents' power was out, and I couldn't pump at the greenhouses because people were still working, so I decided to go out and purchase a vehicle lighter adapter (which I had always intended to do, just hadn't gotten around to it). I quickly drove to TJ's The Kiddies Store (I had seen on their website that they sold the adapters) and then drove home...and then pumped in the car in our driveway. Luckily our driveway is somewhat hidden from street traffic. Jon laughed when he walked up the driveway and I honked at him from in the car.

Other Random Pictures:

Visiting my work the week after Matthew and Kayla were born...

Visiting my Oma Vander Ende (great-grandmother)...

Yes! Kayla finally fits into the jeans I bought for her! So exciting!

Cuddles with Dad...

Having fun together...

I told Jon that he needed to start taking pictures of me and the seems it's always me taking the pictures.

Like father, like son...

Patiently waiting by the computer for me to be done pumping (yes, I pump in front of the computer!) so that we can get started on our day...

Just hanging out...



  1. They are looking bigger already since the last time. Crazy. I love the hand holding picture, so adorable. Good thing for car adapters eh? Thats hilarious! Gotta do what you gotta do!

  2. That is so cute, them holding hands. I think Matthew looks so much like Zachary in the picture of him smiling. I wish he smiled for me on Saturday. Maybe next time.
